русский [страна агрессор]
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Attractions of Volyn region
Attractions of Lutsk district
Attractions of Luts'k
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Gastrotourism , Museum / gallery
The center of traditional culture "Honey House" was opened in Lutsk on the initiative of the Volyn brotherhood of beekeepers "Swarm state". The center tells about the ancient culture of beekeeping, production and use of honey and honey cosmetics. Two halls for 50 seats. There are tours with tastings. Beekeeping products are offered: honey of different grades, honey drinks (mead, drinking honey), cosmetics, apitherapy products.
вулиця Богдана Хмельницького, 1 Luts'k
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Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery
A 19th-century building in the center of Lutsk, next to Lubart's Castle, where the Kosach literary family lived in 1890-1891. This was the last period of her stay in the city of Lesya Ukrainka, who was already seriously ill at that time. The office apartment of P. Kosach (Lesya's father) was located on the second floor. In 2007, the Lesina Living Room Museum was opened here. Here is the office of the Historical and Cultural Reserve "Old Town". You can get to the museum by prior arrangement with the administration.
Mykhailo Drahomanova Street, 23 Luts'k
Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery
Lutsk Castle of Prince Lubart is one of the most powerful fortresses in Volyn, a business card of Lutsk. The upper castle existed on top of the hill since the time of the Rurikoviches. In its present form, a typical European medieval feudal castle was built in 1340-85 by the Lithuanian-Russian prince Lubart. It became the residence of the Volyn princes, and for some time - the capital of the Galicia-Volyn state. Fortified in 1430-1542 during the reign of Prince Svidrigail. The Lutsk Castle complex includes the Entrance, Styrov and Vladych Towers, surrounded by walls. Inside are the noble and episcopal houses. The foundations and dungeons of the Cathedral of St. John the Theologian of the 12th century, in which Prince Lubart and many other Volyn rulers were buried, have been preserved. Several museums have been opened on the territory of Lutsk Castle: paintings, bells, building ceramics, printing, weapons. The castle is constantly being restored, archeological excavations are being carried out on the territory.
Cathedral Street, 1A Luts'k
Museum / gallery
The Museum of Technical Progress was opened in 2013 in the premises of the sports and recreation complex "Adrenaline City". More than 1000 exhibits tell about the most interesting inventions of mankind from the simplest devices to the present day. The museum also presents a chronograph with illustrations and samples of the most important inventions of mankind. Considerable attention is paid to the period of intensive development of radio engineering, photo and video equipment, communication systems. Real exhibits are presented: cameras, film cameras, TVs, computers of different generations, watches, etc.
Karbysheva Street, 1 Luts'k
The Volyn Regional Museum of the Ukrainian Army and Military Equipment was established on the initiative of the public organization Dzherela. The museum is located on the territory of a military town in the center of Lutsk, in the premises built in 1925. The exposition presents 50 samples of military equipment and weapons. The permanent exhibition "Pages of Military History of the Volyn Region" has been opened.
Na Taborishchi Street, 4 Luts'k
The museum represents the regional school of Volyn icon painting. The creation of the collection is associated with the name of art critic Pavel Zholtovsky, who led the scientific expeditions of the Volyn Museum of Local Lore in the 1980s to study and collect historical and cultural material in the temples of Volyn. The exhibition presents more than 1.5 thousand works of sacred art, including about 600 icons of the Volyn art school of the XVI-XVIII centuries, works of metal, decorative carvings and sculptures. One of the most valuable exhibits is the Byzantine icon of the Kholm Mother of God (XI-XII centuries). According to legend, it was written in Jerusalem by the apostle-evangelist Luke. It was the ancestral shrine of Prince Danylo Halytsky.
Yaroshchuk Street, 5 Luts'k
Architecture , Museum / gallery
The building of the old pharmacy was built in Lutsk by the Zlotsky family at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The pharmacy laboratory used more than 200 species of medicinal plants to prepare medicines, ointments, tinctures and syrups. In 1920, the extraction of artesian wells and the sale of mineral water were established here. In 1882, Lesya Ukrainka often bought medicines here.
Mykhailo Drahomanova Street, 11 Luts'k
Volyn Museum of Local Lore is the largest and oldest museum in Volyn. Founded in 1929. It has been housed in the current building in the center of Lutsk since 1985. The funds contain more than 140 thousand exhibits representing nature, history, ethnography, art of the Volyn region. The museum has a rich collection of natural materials, collections of geological minerals, plants and animals. The museum's collections are presented in the exposition, which consists of sections of nature, ancient and modern history, thematic exhibitions. The exposition of the museum is located on an area of more than 2 thousand square meters. m in 23 stationary and 9 exhibition halls. It is built on thematic (nature department) and thematic-chronological principles (history department). The branches and departments of the Volyn Museum of Local Lore are the Kolodyazhne Literary Memorial Museum of Lesya Ukrainka, the Art Museum in Lutsk Castle, the Museum of the Volyn Icon, the Museum of the History of the Lutsk Brotherhood, and the V. Lypynsky Memorial Museum. The Museum of Ethnography and Folk Crafts of Volyn is created.
Frederic Chopin Street, 20 Luts'k