The village is 12 km from Zvenigorodka in the direction of Shpola, not far from the "Shevchenko triangle" Morintsy-Shevchenkovo-Budishche. Known since the 18th century. as the property of Prince G. Potemkin, then inherited by his niece V. Engelgard, who married S. Golitsin. In 1797 he became the new owner of the estate. From the Golitsyn estate, the entrance gate, the house of the manager, the outbuilding and the utility block, as well as a large park with a long alley and a system of ponds have been preserved. I. Krylov served here as personal secretary and teacher of Golitsyn's children for 4 years. The last owners of the estate were the Baron and Baroness Wrangeli (they were buried here, the graves were not preserved). After the revolution, the estate was burned down by ...
The village is 12 km from Zvenigorodka in the direction of Shpola, not far from the "Shevchenko triangle" Morintsy-Shevchenkovo-Budishche. Known since the 18th century. as the property of Prince G. Potemkin, then inherited by his niece V. Engelgard, who married S. Golitsin. In 1797 he became the new owner of the estate. From the Golitsyn estate, the entrance gate, the house of the manager, the outbuilding and the utility block, as well as a large park with a long alley and a system of ponds have been preserved. I. Krylov served here as personal secretary and teacher of Golitsyn's children for 4 years. The last owners of the estate were the Baron and Baroness Wrangeli (they were buried here, the graves were not preserved). After the revolution, the estate was burned down by the Red Army men of Kotovsky. Surviving buildings of the 18th-19th centuries occupies a vocational school.
Село в 12 км від Звенигородки в бік Шполи, неподалік від "шевченківського трикутника" Моринці-Шевченкове-Будище. Відомо з XVIII ст. як власність князя Г. Потьомкіна, потім перейшло у спадок його племінниці В. Енгельгард, яка вийшла заміж за С. Голіцина. Він і став в 1797 році новим господарем маєтку. Від садиби Голіцина збереглися в'їзна брама, будинок керуючого, флігель і господарський блок, а також великий парк з довгою алеєю і системою ставків. Особистим секретарем і вчителем дітей Голіцина протягом 4 років служив тут І. Крилов. Останніми господарями маєтку були барон і баронеса Врангель (поховані тут же, могили не збереглися). Після революції садиба була спалена червоноармійцями Котовського. Збережені будівлі ХVIII-ХIХ ст. займає ПТУ.
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