Nikolaev is a city of shipbuilders on the coast of the Bug estuary at the confluence of the river. Ingul. Founded in 1789 by Prince G. Potemkin-Tavrichesky on the site of the Russian fortress Novo-Grigorievskaya (1774) and the shipyard (1788). The name was given in honor of the capture of Ochakov by the Zaporozhye Cossacks on the Day of St. Nicholas. Since 1794, the Admiralty, the headquarters and the office of the Chief Commander of the Black Sea Fleet were located here. After the defeat in the Crimean War, the Admiralty was closed, the construction of warships was stopped. By the end of the XIX century. Nikolaev turned into a commercial port. During the Soviet period, it became the largest military shipbuilding center in the USSR, closed to tourists. The battleship Potemkin, the space ...
Nikolaev is a city of shipbuilders on the coast of the Bug estuary at the confluence of the river. Ingul. Founded in 1789 by Prince G. Potemkin-Tavrichesky on the site of the Russian fortress Novo-Grigorievskaya (1774) and the shipyard (1788). The name was given in honor of the capture of Ochakov by the Zaporozhye Cossacks on the Day of St. Nicholas. Since 1794, the Admiralty, the headquarters and the office of the Chief Commander of the Black Sea Fleet were located here. After the defeat in the Crimean War, the Admiralty was closed, the construction of warships was stopped. By the end of the XIX century. Nikolaev turned into a commercial port. During the Soviet period, it became the largest military shipbuilding center in the USSR, closed to tourists. The battleship Potemkin, the space ship Akademik Korolev, the aircraft carrier Kiev and one of the most powerful ships of the Russian Navy, the cruiser-aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, were launched here. Nikolaev became open for visiting after 1991. Tourist centers - pedestrian street. Soborna, children's playground "Fairy Tale". The city is convenient as an intermediate point when traveling from Kiev to Crimea.
Миколаїв - місто корабелів на узбережжі Бузького лиману при впаданні р. Інгул. Засноване в 1789 році князем Г. Потьомкіним-Таврійським на місці російської фортеці Ново-Григорівська (1774 р.) та суднобудівної верфі (1788 р.). Назву отримало на честь взяття Очакова запорізькими козаками в День Св. Миколая. З 1794 року тут розміщувалося Адміралтейство, штаб і канцелярія Головного Командира Чорноморського флоту. Після поразки в Кримській війні Адміралтейство було закрито, зупинено будівництво військових кораблів. До кінця XIX ст. Миколаїв перетворився на торговий порт. У радянський період він став найбільшим центром військового суднобудування СРСР, закритим для туристів. Тут були спущені на воду броненосець "Потьомкін", космічне судно "Академік Корольов", авіаносець &quo ...
Миколаїв - місто корабелів на узбережжі Бузького лиману при впаданні р. Інгул. Засноване в 1789 році князем Г. Потьомкіним-Таврійським на місці російської фортеці Ново-Григорівська (1774 р.) та суднобудівної верфі (1788 р.). Назву отримало на честь взяття Очакова запорізькими козаками в День Св. Миколая. З 1794 року тут розміщувалося Адміралтейство, штаб і канцелярія Головного Командира Чорноморського флоту. Після поразки в Кримській війні Адміралтейство було закрито, зупинено будівництво військових кораблів. До кінця XIX ст. Миколаїв перетворився на торговий порт. У радянський період він став найбільшим центром військового суднобудування СРСР, закритим для туристів. Тут були спущені на воду броненосець "Потьомкін", космічне судно "Академік Корольов", авіаносець "Київ" та один з найпотужніших кораблів ВМФ Росії крейсер-авіаносець "Адмірал Кузнєцов". Відкритим для відвідування Миколаїв став після 1991 року. Туристичні центри - пішохідна вул. Соборна, дитяче містечко "Казка". Місто зручний як проміжний пункт при подорожах з Києва до Криму.
Museum of the underground partisan movement
Museum / gallery
The museum of the underground partisan movement in Mykolayiv region was opened in 1975 in an old mansion of the end of the XIX century, which belonged to the well-known in Mykolayiv family of German colonists von Shardt. In 1941-43 pp. the spy V. Lyagin, the head of the Nikolaev underground center of resistance during the Second World War lived here. The museum contains a rich collection of documents, photos, subjects which tell about struggle of inhabitants of the Nikolaev area against German occupiers. Fictitious medical certificates, passes, passports, copies of German seals made by the underground to save young people from deportation to Germany and the organization of escapes of prisoners of war from the concentration camp are presented. In the center of the hall there is a collection of small arms and large-scale models of military equipment.
Mykolaiv Art Museum named after Vereshchagin
Museum / gallery , Architecture
The Mykolaiv regional art museum of a name of V.Vereshchagin represents more than 9 thousand works of fine arts. The collection was based on 148 paintings by the outstanding battle artist V. Vereshchagin, on whose initiative a society of lovers of fine arts was established in Mykolayiv. His most striking works reflect the course of hostilities in various wars, but the most popular was the painting "The Apotheosis of War" - Vereshchagin's protest against all wars. Central to the Vereshchagin Hall is the Himalayan Trilogy (1880s), an Indian series of works by the artist. In the painting "The Forgotten Soldier" the artist depicts an English infantryman killed and forgotten in the mountains. Widely known series "Letter to the Mother" (1901), three paintings of which are in the exhibition hall. The exhibition includes personal belongings of the artist, the setting of his studio. The works of V. Tropinin, O. Venetsianov, K. Bryullov, V. Serov and others are also presented. The Vereshchagin Museum is located in one of the best buildings in the city, which is an architectural monument of the second half of the XIX century.
Mykolaiv Museum of Local Lore (Old Navy Barracks)
Museum / gallery , Architecture
The Old Navy barracks in Mykolayiv are part of the Admiralty complex, which was built in the middle of the 19th century for the Maritime Department. The barracks were built in 1850 by architect K. Ackroyd in the style of classicism. The premises were intended for sailors of naval crews. Each of the three buildings of the Old Navy barracks housed 1,200 to 2,000 people. In 1863 the complex was transferred to the Alexander Men's Gymnasium, which was located here before the revolution. After World War II, the western building housed a construction college, and two others were transferred to the military. In 2012, the creation of a museum town began on the territory of the Old Navy barracks. The Mykolayiv Museum of Local Lore, which used to be located on the territory of St. Joseph's Church, moved to the main building. The museum was established in 1913 on the basis of the cabinet of rare things at the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, where various finds from the Black Sea region were collected. They formed the basis of the collection, which now has more than 160,000 exhibits. The exposition includes objects found during the archeological research of Olbia, objects of Kievan Rus, weapons of the Cossacks.
Mykolayiv Observatory
Architecture , Museum / gallery
Mykolayiv Observatory is a historical scientific institution, the oldest observatory in Ukraine. It was founded by Admiral A. Greig, who in 1821 served as governor of Nikolaev. The observatory provided the Black Sea Fleet with navigation information and instruments, trained navigators. It has its meridian in international astronomical atlases. Built almost two centuries ago, the observatory's premises have remained unchanged to this day. The Observatory Museum has an exposition in the Round Hall of the Main Building and two astronomical pavilions. The museum has a unique collection of astronomical instruments, a collection of astronomical clocks, antique books, photographs, paintings, maps. The pride of the Nikolaev astronomers is the ancient telescope "Meridian circle of Repsold", built in 1834 in Germany. It was used until 2000, when modern computer-controlled telescopes appeared.
Shipbuilding and Fleet Museum (Fleet Headquarters)
Museum / gallery , Architecture
The building of the Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Mykolayiv was built in 1794 in the style of Russian classicism, designed by architect I. Neelov. For some time, the residence of the Black Sea Fleet Commander-in-Chief was located here. Since 1978, the premises have been occupied by the Museum of Shipbuilding and the Navy. The exposition demonstrates the development of shipbuilding in the Northern Black Sea region from ancient times to the present - more than 100 models of ships of the XVIII-XX centuries. In particular, models of the first ship of the Mykolayiv shipyard - the 44-gun frigate "Saint Nicholas", the legendary 20-gun brig "Mercury", the rebellious battleship "Potemkin", the aircraft carrier "Kyiv", the research ship "Academic", etc. are presented. Also presented are fragments of ancient ships, navigation devices, rare maps and documents. One of the most interesting exhibits - a diorama "Construction of the first sailing ships on the Mykolayiv Admiralty". In front of the house is the Alley of Fleet Commanders (busts of F. Ushakov, M. Lazarev, F. Bellingshausen, P. Nakhimov, etc.).
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