The village of Emilchino on the r. Cleaning is located between Korosten and Novograd-Volynsky. It is known since 1585 as Mezhirichka in the property of the Ostrog princes. In the XVII century. the village belonged to the princes Lubomirsky. In 1812 it became the property of Count V. Uvarov, who renamed it in honor of his father Emilia. The park has been partially preserved since those times. In 1931-33. on the northern outskirts of Emilchino, the Emilchinsky BRO was built - a system of long-term fortifications as part of the Korosten fortified area. Currently, the surviving buildings are museified.
Селище Ємільчине на річці Уборть розташоване між Коростенем і Новоградом-Волинським. Відоме з 1585 року як Межирічка у власності князів Острозьких. В XVII ст. село належало князям Любомирським. В 1812 році перейшло у власність графа В. Уварова, який перейменував його на честь своєї доньки Емілії. З тих часів частково зберігся парк. В 1931-33 рр. на північній околиці Ємільчиного було споруджено Ємільчинський БРО - система довгострокових укріплень в складі Коростенського укріпрайону. В даний час споруди, що збереглися, музеєфіковано..
Yemilchyn BDA
Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery
Yemilchyn BDA of Korosten fortified area is a battalion defense area, a system of long-term fortifications on the outskirts of Yemilchyne township. It was built in 1931-39 as part of the KoUR to cover the rear located southwest of the Novograd-Volynsky fortified area. It consisted of 25 DOTs, including 6 artillery semi-caponiers built in 1938-39, each for 2 76.2 mm guns. On the basis of one of the surviving semi-caponiers, agro-industrial complex №25, a museum and a department of the Yemilchansky National Museum of Local Lore were created. The exposition acquaints with the history of the Second World War, maps-schemes of KoUR and a separate Yemilchyn BDA. Reconstruction of elements of internal equipment has begun, full restoration of armament is planned.
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