The village of Suskovo is located on the left bank of the river. Latoritsa, 7 km from Svalyava towards Mukachevo. Known since the 16th century. The name probably comes from the surname of one of the first settlers. The main occupation of the inhabitants of Suskovo was agriculture, cattle breeding, beekeeping, and logging. In the XVII century. a stone church was built in the village, which still exists today. In 1901 the firm "Mundus", which belonged to the capitalists Gluck and Stern, built a woodworking factory on the territory of the village (now there is a school on this site). In the neighboring village. Apiary preserved stone church of the XVI century. On the territory of the village, a treasure of bronze objects weighing 4.79 kg was found, dating back to the end. II mill ...
The village of Suskovo is located on the left bank of the river. Latoritsa, 7 km from Svalyava towards Mukachevo. Known since the 16th century. The name probably comes from the surname of one of the first settlers. The main occupation of the inhabitants of Suskovo was agriculture, cattle breeding, beekeeping, and logging. In the XVII century. a stone church was built in the village, which still exists today. In 1901 the firm "Mundus", which belonged to the capitalists Gluck and Stern, built a woodworking factory on the territory of the village (now there is a school on this site). In the neighboring village. Apiary preserved stone church of the XVI century. On the territory of the village, a treasure of bronze objects weighing 4.79 kg was found, dating back to the end. II millennium BC NS.
Село Сусково розташоване на лівому березі р. Латориця, в 7 км від Сваляви в бік Мукачева. Відоме з XVI ст. Назва, ймовірно, походить від прізвища одного з перших поселенців. Основним заняттям жителів Сусково було землеробство, скотарство, бджільництво, рубка лісу. У XVII ст. в селі була побудована кам'яна церква, яка існує до сьогодні. У 1901 році фірма "Мундус", яка належала капіталістам Глюку та Штерну, побудувала на території села деревообробний завод (зараз на цьому місці школа). У сусідньому с. Пасіка збереглася кам'яна церква XVI ст. На території села знайдено скарб бронзових предметів вагою 4,79 кг, що датується кін. II тис. до н. е.
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