The village of Velikiye Berega (Hungarian - Nagybereg) is located 10 km east of the town of Beregovo (Hungarian - Beregsas). It has been known since 1214 as the city of Bereg (Beregvar), which shortly after 1241 became the center of the Beregsky committee. There was also the Beregvar castle, the fate of which is unknown. A seal of 1567 with the image of a bull's head has survived, which is associated with the legend of the cattle owner Sas and the founding of Beregsas in the place where the bull of Sas defeated the leader of the neighboring herd. Of the sights in Velikiye Bereg, the Reformed Church (1405), the old mill and the palace of the Bereg family (1905), which now houses the Hungarian Lyceum, can be noted. There is a weaving museum at the local school. You can also visit the ...
The village of Velikiye Berega (Hungarian - Nagybereg) is located 10 km east of the town of Beregovo (Hungarian - Beregsas). It has been known since 1214 as the city of Bereg (Beregvar), which shortly after 1241 became the center of the Beregsky committee. There was also the Beregvar castle, the fate of which is unknown. A seal of 1567 with the image of a bull's head has survived, which is associated with the legend of the cattle owner Sas and the founding of Beregsas in the place where the bull of Sas defeated the leader of the neighboring herd. Of the sights in Velikiye Bereg, the Reformed Church (1405), the old mill and the palace of the Bereg family (1905), which now houses the Hungarian Lyceum, can be noted. There is a weaving museum at the local school. You can also visit the wine cellar of the winemaker I. Urstva and the recreation area on two lakes.
Село Великі Береги (угор. - Надьберег) розташоване в 10 км на схід від міста Берегово (угор. - Берегсас). Відоме з 1214 року як місто Берег (Берегвар), після 1241 року навіть недавго стало центром Берегського комітату. Існував і замок Берегвар, про долю якого нічого не відомо. Збереглася печатка 1567 року із зображенням голови бика, яку пов'язують з легендою про скотовласників Сасе та заснуванням Берегсаса в тому місці де бик Саса переміг ватажка сусіднього стада. З пам'яток к Великих Берегах можна відзначити реформаторський костел (1405 р.), старовинний млин та палац роду Береги (1905 р.), в якому зараз розташований угорський ліцей. При місцевій школі діє музей ткацтва. Також можна відвідати винний підвал винороба І. Урстви і зону відпочинку на двох озерах.
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