The village of Nevytske is located on the river Uzh 12 km north-east of Uzhgorod. Probably has existed since the XII century. For the first time, Nevytske was mentioned as a royal castle in 1274, but the date of the founding of the village is considered 1285. According to an old legend, in the castle on the top of a hill above the river valley, Uzh was once hidden from the enemies of the brides, because the castle was called Nevestske, which was transformed into a venture in Nevytske. From XIII to XIV century the castle was constantly rebuilt and strengthened. Since the XIV century. for three centuries in a row it was in the possession of the Counts of Drugets, under whom the castle acquired its present shape. Destroyed by the Transylvanian prince Rakoczi in 1644, partially restored. Th ...
The village of Nevytske is located on the river Uzh 12 km north-east of Uzhgorod. Probably has existed since the XII century. For the first time, Nevytske was mentioned as a royal castle in 1274, but the date of the founding of the village is considered 1285. According to an old legend, in the castle on the top of a hill above the river valley, Uzh was once hidden from the enemies of the brides, because the castle was called Nevestske, which was transformed into a venture in Nevytske. From XIII to XIV century the castle was constantly rebuilt and strengthened. Since the XIV century. for three centuries in a row it was in the possession of the Counts of Drugets, under whom the castle acquired its present shape. Destroyed by the Transylvanian prince Rakoczi in 1644, partially restored. The river bank under the castle hill is a popular summer vacation spot for Uzhgorod residents; there are several motels.
Село Невицьке розташоване на річці Уж в 12 км на північний схід від Ужгорода. Ймовірно, існує з XII ст. Вперше Невицьке згадується як королівський замок в 1274 році, проте датою заснування села вважають 1285 рік. Згідно зі старовинною легендою, в замку на вершині пагорба над долиною річки Уж колись приховували від ворогів наречених, тому замок носив назву Невєстський, трансформувалося з часом на Невицький . З XIII по XIV ст. замок постійно перебудовувався й зміцнювався. З XIV ст. три століття поспіль знаходився у володінні графів Другетів, за яких замок знайшов свої нинішні обриси. Зруйнований трансильванським князем Ракоці в 1644 році, частково відреставрований. Берег річки під замковою горою - популярне місце літнього відпочинку жителів Ужгорода, є кілька мотелів.
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