The westernmost city of Ukraine, a major transport hub, a transshipment point and a center for customs clearance of goods. Mentioned in 1281, it was probably named after the surname of the owner of the landowner Chapi. Development is associated with construction in the 19th century. railway Debrecen-Mukachevo with a junction in Chop. The Church of St. Anne (1903) has been preserved. In March 1919, the Hungarian revolutionary directory of the Uzhsky committee was located in the city, since Uzhgorod was captured by the troops of Czechoslovakia. In 1945 Chop became part of Ukraine. The main Ukrainian-Hungarian border checkpoint Chop-Zahony is located here, and the road service is well developed: gas stations, service stations, car washes, cafes, restaurants, shops, and representative offic ...
The westernmost city of Ukraine, a major transport hub, a transshipment point and a center for customs clearance of goods. Mentioned in 1281, it was probably named after the surname of the owner of the landowner Chapi. Development is associated with construction in the 19th century. railway Debrecen-Mukachevo with a junction in Chop. The Church of St. Anne (1903) has been preserved. In March 1919, the Hungarian revolutionary directory of the Uzhsky committee was located in the city, since Uzhgorod was captured by the troops of Czechoslovakia. In 1945 Chop became part of Ukraine. The main Ukrainian-Hungarian border checkpoint Chop-Zahony is located here, and the road service is well developed: gas stations, service stations, car washes, cafes, restaurants, shops, and representative offices of insurance companies. On the banks of the river. Tisza and Latoritsa are convenient places for camping.
Найзахідніше місто України, великий транспортний вузол, перевалочний пункт і центр митного оформлення вантажів. Згадується в 1281 році, назване, ймовірно, за прізвищем власника поміщика Чапі. Розвиток пов'язаний з будівництвом у XIX ст. залізниці Дебрецен-Мукачево з вузловою станцією в Чопі. Зберігся костел Св. Анни (1903 р.). У березні 1919 році в місті перебував угорський революційний діректоріум Ужського комітату, оскільки Ужгород був захоплений військами Чехословаччини. В 1945 році Чоп увійшов до складу України. Тут розташований основний українсько-угорський прикордонний перехід Чоп-Захоні, добре розвинений дорожній сервіс: автозаправки, СТО, автомийки, кафе, ресторани, магазини, представництва страхових компаній. На берегах р. Тиса та Латориця зручні місця для кемпінгів.
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