Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.
General information about Mynai
A village on the Kiev-Chop highway, a suburb of Uzhgorod. Since the XIII century. known as Ninay, belonged to the gentry Felicius, Egedius and Jan. A roadside infrastructure is being developed to service transit passengers traveling to Chop.
Село на трасі Київ-Чоп, передмістя Ужгорода. З XIII ст. відоме як Нінай, належало шляхтичам Феліцію, Егедію та Яну. Розвивається придорожня інфраструктура з обслуговування транзитників, що прямують до Чопа.
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