Dnipro (formerly Dnipropetrovsk) is a picturesque city on both banks of the Dnieper, the center of the defense and space industries. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. a little lower along the river there was a Polish, then a Cossack fortress Kodak (ramparts have been preserved). The present city was founded by Prince G. Potemkin as the southern capital of the Russian Empire in 1787 on the site of the Zaporozhye settlement Polovitsa. Received the name Yekaterinoslav in honor of Empress Catherine II, who personally laid the first stone. By order of Paul I, the city was renamed Novorossiysk for some time (1796-1802). From 1802 it became the provincial center. In 1820 A. Pushkin was in exile here. The rapid development of Yekaterinoslav began in the 70s. XIX century. after the construction of th ...
Dnipro (formerly Dnipropetrovsk) is a picturesque city on both banks of the Dnieper, the center of the defense and space industries. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. a little lower along the river there was a Polish, then a Cossack fortress Kodak (ramparts have been preserved). The present city was founded by Prince G. Potemkin as the southern capital of the Russian Empire in 1787 on the site of the Zaporozhye settlement Polovitsa. Received the name Yekaterinoslav in honor of Empress Catherine II, who personally laid the first stone. By order of Paul I, the city was renamed Novorossiysk for some time (1796-1802). From 1802 it became the provincial center. In 1820 A. Pushkin was in exile here. The rapid development of Yekaterinoslav began in the 70s. XIX century. after the construction of the railway, which connected the Krivoy Rog iron ore and Donetsk coal basins. In the period 1917-20. the city several times passed under the control of the anarchist army of N. Makhno. In 1926 it was renamed Dnepropetrovsk in honor of the revolutionary G. Petrovsky. However, locals in everyday life are used to abbreviating this name to "Dnipro", and this is how the city was named as a result of decommunization in 2016. Urban planning flourished in the 1960s, when the unique 23-kilometer Dnieper embankment was built. After the collapse of the USSR, the city retained its industrial potential and became one of the main financial centers of the country, its architectural appearance in recent years has been refreshed with modern new buildings. Dnipro City Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in September.
Дніпро (кол. Дніпропетровськ) - мальовниче місто по обидва береги Дніпра, центр оборонної і космічної промисловості. У XVII-XVIII ст. трохи нижче по річці існувала польська, потім козацька фортеця Кодак (збереглися вали). Нинішнє місто засноване князем Г. Потьомкіним як південна столиця Російської імперії в 1787 році на місці запорізької слободи Половиця. Отримало назву Катеринослав на честь імператриці Катерини ІІ, яка особисто заклала перший камінь. За наказом Павла І місто на деякий час перейменували в Новоросійськ (1796-1802 рр.). З 1802 року воно стає губернським центром. У 1820 році тут на засланні перебував О. Пушкін. Швидкий розвиток Катеринослава почався в 70-х рр. XIX ст. після побудови залізниці, яка з'єднала Криворізький залізорудний та Донецький вугільний басейни. В пер ...
Дніпро (кол. Дніпропетровськ) - мальовниче місто по обидва береги Дніпра, центр оборонної і космічної промисловості. У XVII-XVIII ст. трохи нижче по річці існувала польська, потім козацька фортеця Кодак (збереглися вали). Нинішнє місто засноване князем Г. Потьомкіним як південна столиця Російської імперії в 1787 році на місці запорізької слободи Половиця. Отримало назву Катеринослав на честь імператриці Катерини ІІ, яка особисто заклала перший камінь. За наказом Павла І місто на деякий час перейменували в Новоросійськ (1796-1802 рр.). З 1802 року воно стає губернським центром. У 1820 році тут на засланні перебував О. Пушкін. Швидкий розвиток Катеринослава почався в 70-х рр. XIX ст. після побудови залізниці, яка з'єднала Криворізький залізорудний та Донецький вугільний басейни. В період 1917-20 рр. місто кілька разів переходило під контроль анархістської армії Н. Махна. У 1926 р. перейменоване в Дніпропетровськ на честь більшовистського революціонера Г. Петровського. Втім, місцеві жителі в побуті звикли скорочувати цю назву до "Дніпро", і саме так місто було назване внаслідок декомунізації у 2016 році. Розквіт містобудування припав на 1960-і роки, коли була споруджена унікальна 23-кілометрова Дніпровська набережна. Після розвалу СРСР місто зберегло промисловий потенціал і стало одним з головних фінансових центрів країни, його архітектурний вигляд в останні роки оновлений сучасними новобудовами. День міста Дніпро відзначається у другу неділю вересня.
Dmytro Yavornytsky House-Museum
Museum / gallery
The memorial house-museum of Academician Dmytro Yavornytsky in Dnipro is the only residential estate of old Katerynoslav that has survived to this day. It was built in 1905 according to the project of architect Leonid Brodnytsky opposite the Potemkin Palace in the current Shevchenko Park. Dmytro Yavornytsky, a prominent Ukrainian historian, archaeologist, and public figure, lived and worked in this small red-brick house with a belvedere and a carved wooden veranda for 35 years. Heading the Dnepropetrovsk Historical Museum, he became famous as a researcher of the history of the Zaporozhian Cossacks.
The interiors of the rooms of Yavornytsky's house were recreated as they were during his life: the lobby, the hall, the study, the living room, the dining room, the mezzanine. The exhibition presents many memorial items: student notebooks from the time of study at the Kharkiv gymnasium, workbooks exhibited his own things, documents, letters, photographs, paintings. Among personal belongings: embroidered shirt, stick, glasses, etc. In front of the house you can still see pine and poplar planted by Yavornytsky.
Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum
Museum / gallery
The Dnipro Art Museum opened in 1914 on the initiative of members of the art commission of the Ekaterinoslav Scientific Society. Initially, the exhibition was located in the Potemkin Palace (now the Palace of Students of DNU), then in the house of Khrennikov (now Hotel Ukraine). During the Soviet era, the collection was replenished with works by domestic and Western European masters from the collection of Dmitry Yavornytsky, as well as from the Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow) and the Hermitage (St. Petersburg). In 1936, the Dnipropetrovsk Art Museum received more than 300 works as a gift from the painter I. Brodsky, which are still the basis of the exhibition. Today the museum's collection includes 8.5 thousand works of painting, sculpture, graphics and decorative and applied arts of the XVI-XXI centuries. The permanent exhibition includes works by V. Borovikovsky, I. Shishkin, I. Levitan, K. Korovin, V. Serov, I. Repin, M. Pymonenko, O. Murashko, and others. The pearl of the collection are the works of the Ekaterinoslav symbolist artist M. Sapozhnikov. A special place in the museum collection is occupied by the works of famous masters of Petrykivka decorative painting.
Museum "Memory of the Jewish People and the Holocaust in Ukraine"
Museum / gallery
The Museum of the Memory of the Jewish People and the Holocaust in Ukraine is the largest museum in the country, which tells the story of Jewry in Ukraine, as well as the persecution and mass murder of Jews by the Nazis during World War II. The museum also tells about the tragedies of Ukrainians, Roma, Armenians, Crimean Tatars, Poles and other peoples. The museum collection has more than 16 thousand exhibits of the main fund. These are objects of Judaism and a collection of publications of spiritual literature of the XIX-XX centuries, household items of that era, artifacts related to the Holocaust (literature, leaflets and announcements, equipment and weapons), personal belongings of Jews involved in World War II, documents, manuscripts and photos related to the history of the Jews of Ukraine. The exhibition uses the principle of combining unique exhibits, modern multimedia technologies and art installations. In particular, the diorama "Babyn Yar" is presented. Visitors are offered different types of excursions - both sightseeing, throughout the Museum, and thematic, devoted to a detailed examination of certain aspects of Jewish and Ukrainian history, culture and religion. The museum is located on the 3rd floor of the Jewish cultural and business center "Menorah" in the center of Dnipro. There is also a choral synagogue, kosher restaurant, hotel. Visitors are offered comprehensive tours of the center, including access to the observation deck on the 18th floor.
Museum center of O. Blavatsky's family
Museum / gallery
The museum center of Olena Blavatska and her family in Dnipro is being created in a monumental building on the territory of the ancient Ekaterinoslav city estate of the Fadeevs, built in the early 19th century. In 1816-34 the estate belonged to O. Fadeev, Blavatsky's grandfather, and she herself was born here in 1931. Traveling around the world and exploring the ancient Eastern teachings in India and Tibet, Elena Blavatsky became famous throughout the world as a prominent theosophist, theologian, writer, creator of the International Theosophical Society. Her works were not influenced by the worldview of M. Roerich, W. Kandinsky, T. Edison, M. Gandhi. The Blavatsky Museum in Dnipro has been established since 2004. Pilot expositions are developed, the scientific library works, club meetings are held. Excursions are held from May 1 to October 15 by appointment. A memorial plaque dedicated to Olena Blavatska has been installed on the building.
Museum of the History of Pilots of the Dnieper rapids
Museum / gallery
The Museum of the History of Pilots of the Dnieper Thresholds is located in the Lots-Kamyansky House of Culture on the southern outskirts of the Dnieper, in the village of Lotsmanskaya Kamyanka, where Dnieper pilots, descendants of the Zaporozhian Cossacks, lived for a long time. Prior to the construction of Dniproges, pilots escorted ships across rapids on the Dnieper. The Museum of the History of Pilots and Pilot Crafts was created on the basis of the private collection of the last Dnieper pilot G. Omelchenko. The small room of the House of Culture houses about 200 exhibits: anchors, oars, pilots' clothes, embroidered towels and shirts, chests, jugs, folk paintings and dozens of photographs.
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