An ancient town above the granite horse r. Black grouse near the Kiev-Zhitomir highway, a granite mining center. The foundation dates back to the 6th-7th centuries. According to legend, the city of Khminichi was the capital of the Drevlyan tribe of Minsk residents. The first official mention in 1499 as the possession of the boyar Kmita. From 1565 it belonged to the Counts of Olizar. In the XVII century. A. Olizar built a castle on the high bank of the river, during his reign the city was actively developing. All R. XIX century. the leader of the Kiev nobility G. Olizar turned the castle into a luxurious palace and laid out a picturesque park around it. Preserved separate buildings of the estate, the Church of the Nativity (XVII century). An interesting park of modern sculpture and rapid ...
An ancient town above the granite horse r. Black grouse near the Kiev-Zhitomir highway, a granite mining center. The foundation dates back to the 6th-7th centuries. According to legend, the city of Khminichi was the capital of the Drevlyan tribe of Minsk residents. The first official mention in 1499 as the possession of the boyar Kmita. From 1565 it belonged to the Counts of Olizar. In the XVII century. A. Olizar built a castle on the high bank of the river, during his reign the city was actively developing. All R. XIX century. the leader of the Kiev nobility G. Olizar turned the castle into a luxurious palace and laid out a picturesque park around it. Preserved separate buildings of the estate, the Church of the Nativity (XVII century). An interesting park of modern sculpture and rapids on Teterevo.
Стародавнє містечко над гранітним коньйоном річки Тетерів біля траси Київ-Житомир, центр видобутку граніту. Заснування відносять до VІ-VІІ ст. За легендою, місто Хміничі було столицею древлянського племені мінчан. Перша офіційна згадка датується 1499 роком як володіння боярина Кмити. З 1565 року належало графам Олізарам. В XVII ст. А. Олизар побудував на високому березі річки замок, при ньому місто активно розвивалося. В середині XIX ст. ватажок київського дворянства Г. Олізар перетворив замок на розкішний палац і розбив навколо нього мальовничий парк. Збереглися окремі будівлі садиби, костел Різдва (XVII ст.). Цікавий парк сучасної скульптури та пороги на Тетереві.
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