Polesie town of Kostopol on the river. Zamchisko is located 35 km northeast of Rivne. Known since the 17th century. as the village of Ostaltsy, the property of the princes Zaslavsky. In 1783, Count L. Worzel received from King Stanislav August the right to found a city in the village of Ostaltsy, which the count named Kostopol in honor of his daughter Constance. The settlers who arrived from Warsaw were engaged in the development of industrial production and trade (among them were the ancestors of the Russian politician V. Zhirinovsky). Revitalization of life in Goroka in the 19th century. connected with the laying of the Rovno-Sarny-Luninets railway through Kostopol. From the time of the domination of the Russian Empire, the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky (1893), an example of Volyn mo ...
Polesie town of Kostopol on the river. Zamchisko is located 35 km northeast of Rivne. Known since the 17th century. as the village of Ostaltsy, the property of the princes Zaslavsky. In 1783, Count L. Worzel received from King Stanislav August the right to found a city in the village of Ostaltsy, which the count named Kostopol in honor of his daughter Constance. The settlers who arrived from Warsaw were engaged in the development of industrial production and trade (among them were the ancestors of the Russian politician V. Zhirinovsky). Revitalization of life in Goroka in the 19th century. connected with the laying of the Rovno-Sarny-Luninets railway through Kostopol. From the time of the domination of the Russian Empire, the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky (1893), an example of Volyn monumental architecture, has been preserved. In 1995 a monument to T. Shevchenko was erected.
Поліське місто Костопіль на річці Замчисько розташоване в 35 км на північний схід від Рівного. Відоме з XVII ст. як селище Остальці, власність князів Заславських. В 1783 році граф Л. Ворцель отримав від короля Станіслава Августа право заснувати в селі Остальці місто, яке граф назвав Костопіль на честь своєї дочки Констанції. Прибулі з Варшави переселенці зайнялися розвитком промислового виробництва й торгівлі (серед них були предки російського політика В. Жириновського). Пожвавлення життя міста в XIX ст. пов'язане з прокладкою через Костопіль залізниці Рівне-Сарни-Лунинець. З часів панування Російської імперії збереглася церква Св. Олександра Невського (1893 р.), зразок волинської монументальної архітектури. В 1995 році встановлено пам'ятник Т. Шевченку.
Kostopil Museum of Local Lore
Museum / gallery
Kostopil Museum of Local Lore is located in a small one-story house in the center of Kostopil. There are 10 exhibitions about the nature, history and ethnography of the region. In the exposition "Nature of the native land" the most interesting dioramas are "River and meadow" and "Forest". In the ethnographic corner the interior of the Polissya house was reconstructed, the full process of fabric making was presented. The archeological collection includes tools of prehistoric times, fragments of pottery, bronze products. The history of the region is told by the exhibition "Kostopil region from the IX century to 1921". Stands "Kostopilshchyna Today" is actually an advertising exhibition of products of local enterprises. A large collection of military equipment from the Second World War, open to the 40th anniversary of the victory, is on display on the site in front of the museum. Among the 17 exhibits are an IS-3 tank, a BM-13 Katyusha jet mortar, ISU-122 and ISU-152 self-propelled artillery units, a 203-mm B-4 howitzer, an automatic anti-aircraft gun, and more.
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