The large village of Gritsev on the river. Khomora is located on the P-32 highway between Lyubar and Yampol. The settlement existed during the time of Ancient Rus (a settlement was discovered). According to one version, it was founded by the Terebovlyansky prince Rostislav-Grigor Vasilkovich, having received a name from him. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, a new castle was built, which was first mentioned in 1547 as the property of the Zbarazhsky family (the ramparts have survived). Subsequently, Gritsev belonged to the Grokholsky, Lyubomirsky. In 1752 the city was acquired by M. Grokholsky, and since then until the end. XIX century. Gritsev belonged to this family. The Grokhodlskys' manor (XVIII century) has survived, which now houses an art school, as well as the remains of the m ...
The large village of Gritsev on the river. Khomora is located on the P-32 highway between Lyubar and Yampol. The settlement existed during the time of Ancient Rus (a settlement was discovered). According to one version, it was founded by the Terebovlyansky prince Rostislav-Grigor Vasilkovich, having received a name from him. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, a new castle was built, which was first mentioned in 1547 as the property of the Zbarazhsky family (the ramparts have survived). Subsequently, Gritsev belonged to the Grokholsky, Lyubomirsky. In 1752 the city was acquired by M. Grokholsky, and since then until the end. XIX century. Gritsev belonged to this family. The Grokhodlskys' manor (XVIII century) has survived, which now houses an art school, as well as the remains of the manor park. At the Catholic cemetery there is an Arian crypt.
Велике селище Гриців на річці Хомора розташоване на трасі Р-32 між Любаром і Ямполем. Поселення існувало за часів Київської Русі (виявлено городище). За однією з версій, засноване Теребовлянським князем Ростиславом-Григорієм Васильковичем, отримавши від нього ім'я. Після монголо-татарської навали було побудовано новий замок, який вперше згадується в 1547 році як власність роду Збаразьких (збереглися вали). Згодом Гриців належав Грохольським, Любомирським. В 1752 році місто придбав М. Грохольський, і відтоді до кінця XIX ст. Гриців належав цьому роду. Збереглася садиба Грохольських (XVIII ст.), в якій зараз розміщується художнє учілище, а також залишки садибного парку. На католицькому кладовищі - аріанський склеп.
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