Two villages - Gilcha Pervaya and Gilcha Vtoraya - are located next to each other on the scatter between Rovno and Ostrog. Once they were one village of Golche (Gulcha). It was first mentioned in 1466 in the act by which it entered the possession of Prince I. Ostrozhsky. In the period of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Golche had the status of a town. In the 70s. XIX century. part of the village was sold to Czech colonists, and since then it has been divided into two parts. On the outskirts of the village there is a source of St. Nicholas, the healing properties of the water from which were known even in the days of the Ostrozhskys. Poetess O. Pichlka (L. Ukrainka's mother), who was in Gilche with children, described the "path of God" of the holy stream in a short poem "Gulc ...
Two villages - Gilcha Pervaya and Gilcha Vtoraya - are located next to each other on the scatter between Rovno and Ostrog. Once they were one village of Golche (Gulcha). It was first mentioned in 1466 in the act by which it entered the possession of Prince I. Ostrozhsky. In the period of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Golche had the status of a town. In the 70s. XIX century. part of the village was sold to Czech colonists, and since then it has been divided into two parts. On the outskirts of the village there is a source of St. Nicholas, the healing properties of the water from which were known even in the days of the Ostrozhskys. Poetess O. Pichlka (L. Ukrainka's mother), who was in Gilche with children, described the "path of God" of the holy stream in a short poem "Gulcha".
Два села - Гільча Перша та Гільча Друга - розташовані поруч одне з одним на трасі між Рівним й Острогом. Колись вони були одним селом Гільча (Гульча). Вперше згадується в 1466 році в акті, за яким воно увійшло у володіння князя І. Острозького. В період XVIII-XIX ст. Гільча мала статус містечка. В 70-х рр. XIX ст. частина села була продана чехам-колоністам, і з тих пір розділена на дві частини. На околиці села розташоване джерело Св. Миколая, цілющі властивості води з якого були відомі ще за часів Острозьких. Поетеса О. Пчілка (мати Л. Українки), бувала в Гільчі з дітьми, описала "стежку Божу" святого потоку в невеликій поемі "Гульча".
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