A small town on the river. Cheremosh is 30 km west of Chernivtsi. Known since the 30s of the 15th century. as Vaskovtsy (probably the name comes from the name of Vasco), in 1651 it was first mentioned as Vaskovtsy. Belonged to the Moldavian landowners Kazimirs. The Assumption Church (1826) and the Nicholas Church (1854) have been preserved. The development is associated with the construction of the Chernivtsi-Vyzhnitsa railway. At the end. XIX century. under the landowner K. Casimir, a school, a hospital, and a brick factory were built. On the outskirts, the manor house of the merchant Krishtofovich (early XX century) has been preserved. On Annina Gora to the south of the city is the St. Anne Monastery. Now the town is famous thanks to the ethnographic festival "Malanka in Vashkovt ...
A small town on the river. Cheremosh is 30 km west of Chernivtsi. Known since the 30s of the 15th century. as Vaskovtsy (probably the name comes from the name of Vasco), in 1651 it was first mentioned as Vaskovtsy. Belonged to the Moldavian landowners Kazimirs. The Assumption Church (1826) and the Nicholas Church (1854) have been preserved. The development is associated with the construction of the Chernivtsi-Vyzhnitsa railway. At the end. XIX century. under the landowner K. Casimir, a school, a hospital, and a brick factory were built. On the outskirts, the manor house of the merchant Krishtofovich (early XX century) has been preserved. On Annina Gora to the south of the city is the St. Anne Monastery. Now the town is famous thanks to the ethnographic festival "Malanka in Vashkovtsi". This cheerful Bukovinian carnival takes place annually on January 13-14, on Malanka and Vasily.
Невелике містечко на річці Черемош в 30 км на захід від Чернівців. Відоме з 30-х років XV ст. як Васьківці (ймовірно, назва походить від імені Васко), в 1651 році вперше згадується як Вашківці. Належало молдавським поміщикам Казимирам. Зберігся Успенський костел (1826 р.) та Миколаївська церква (1854 р.). Розвиток пов'язаний з будівництвом залізниці Чернівці-Вижниця. В кінці XIX ст. при поміщику К. Казимирі була побудована школа, лікарня, цегельний завод. На околиці зберігся садибний будинок купця Кріштофовіча (початок XX ст.). На Анниній горі на південь від міста розташований монастир Св. Анни. Зараз містечко відоме завдяки етнографічному фестивалю "Маланка у Вашківцях". Цей веселий буковинський карнавал проходить щорічно 13-14 січня, на Маланку та Василя.
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