The village of Kutsovka is located 25 km south-west of Smela. It has been known since the 18th century, when these lands were part of the possession of the princes Lubomirsky. The village got its name from its location in Kutsa Balka. After the creation of the Kiev province (1793), they were acquired by Prince G. Potemkin. After his death, General Vysotsky, then Major General Orlov, became the owner of these lands. In 1846, at the expense of Orlov, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was built in the style of late classicism. In 1895, the writer F. Osmachka was born in Kutsovka (a memorial sign was installed on the site of the parental home). At the beginning of the XX century. the village belonged to the privy councilor N. Tereshchenko. In 1966 a monument to the soldiers-liberator ...
The village of Kutsovka is located 25 km south-west of Smela. It has been known since the 18th century, when these lands were part of the possession of the princes Lubomirsky. The village got its name from its location in Kutsa Balka. After the creation of the Kiev province (1793), they were acquired by Prince G. Potemkin. After his death, General Vysotsky, then Major General Orlov, became the owner of these lands. In 1846, at the expense of Orlov, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was built in the style of late classicism. In 1895, the writer F. Osmachka was born in Kutsovka (a memorial sign was installed on the site of the parental home). At the beginning of the XX century. the village belonged to the privy councilor N. Tereshchenko. In 1966 a monument to the soldiers-liberators was erected.
Село Куцівка розташоване в 25 км на північний захід від Сміли. Відоме з XVIII ст., коли ці землі входили у володіння князів Любомирських. Свою назву село отримало від місця розташування в Куцій балці. Після створення Київської губернії (1793 р.) їх придбав князь Г. Потьомкін. Після його смерті господарем цих земель став генерал Висоцький, потім генерал-майор Орлов. В 1846 році коштом Орлова було збудовано церкву Різдва Богородиці в стилі пізнього класицизму. В 1895 році в Куцівці народився письменник Ф. Осьмачка (на місці батьківського будинку встановлено пам'ятний знак). На початку XX ст. село належало таємному радникові М. Терещенку. В 1966 році встановлено пам'ятник воїнам-визволителям.
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