The large village of Lebedin on the river. Turia is located 10 km east of Shpola. Located near the geographical center of Ukraine. It was first mentioned in 1448 in the "Lithuanian metric". According to legend, the founder of the village was a certain Cossack Lebed. At different times Lebedin belonged to the princes Glinsky, Polish magnates Konetspolsky, Lyubomirsky, Russian landowners Potemkin, Vysotsky, Lopukhin, Rogovsky. In 1826, at the expense of Major General of the Tsarist Army N. Vysotsky, the nephew of Prince Potemkin, the Church of the Transfiguration was built. In 1846 a sugar factory was founded. In the forest to the east of the village is the Lebedinsky Monastery, founded in 1779 on the lands of Prince F.K.Lubomirsky. There is a wooden windmill at the entrance to ...
The large village of Lebedin on the river. Turia is located 10 km east of Shpola. Located near the geographical center of Ukraine. It was first mentioned in 1448 in the "Lithuanian metric". According to legend, the founder of the village was a certain Cossack Lebed. At different times Lebedin belonged to the princes Glinsky, Polish magnates Konetspolsky, Lyubomirsky, Russian landowners Potemkin, Vysotsky, Lopukhin, Rogovsky. In 1826, at the expense of Major General of the Tsarist Army N. Vysotsky, the nephew of Prince Potemkin, the Church of the Transfiguration was built. In 1846 a sugar factory was founded. In the forest to the east of the village is the Lebedinsky Monastery, founded in 1779 on the lands of Prince F.K.Lubomirsky. There is a wooden windmill at the entrance to the village.
Велике село Лебедин на річці Турія розташоване в 10 км на схід від Шполи. Знаходиться поблизу географічного центру України. Вперше згадується в 1448 році в "Литовській метриці". За легендою, засновником села був якийсь козак Лебідь. В різні часи Лебедин належав князям Глинським, польським магнатам Конєцпольським, Любомирським, російським поміщикам Потьомкіним, Висоцьким, Лопухіним, Роговським. В 1826 році коштом генерал-майора царської армії М. Висоцького, племінника князя Потьомкіна, була збудована Преображенська церква. В 1846 році був закладений цукровий завод. В лісі на схід від села знаходиться Лебединський монастир, заснований в 1779 році на землях князя Ф. К. Любомирського. На в'їзді в село стоїть дерев'яний вітряк.
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