
Travel guide online Komendantivka

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Komendantivka

The village of Komendantovka is located in the valley of the river. Dry Kobelyachka between Kobelyaki and Kremenchug. It has been known since the 18th century, when the village belonged to Prince D. Turkestanov, who was popularly called the "commandant" (hence the name of the village). At the end. XVIII century Captain AI Bilevich received the commandant as a dowry for the daughter of the "commandant" Turkestanov, and since then the village has been in the ownership of the Bilevich family for more than a century. In 1864-77. naval officer A.D.Bilevich, who visited Egypt, built a family tomb in Komendantovka in the form of an Egyptian pyramid - one of three pyramid temples on the territory of Ukraine (two others: Berezovorudska pyramid and Sevastopol St. Nicholas temp ...

The village of Komendantovka is located in the valley of the river. Dry Kobelyachka between Kobelyaki and Kremenchug. It has been known since the 18th century, when the village belonged to Prince D. Turkestanov, who was popularly called the "commandant" (hence the name of the village). At the end. XVIII century Captain AI Bilevich received the commandant as a dowry for the daughter of the "commandant" Turkestanov, and since then the village has been in the ownership of the Bilevich family for more than a century. In 1864-77. naval officer A.D.Bilevich, who visited Egypt, built a family tomb in Komendantovka in the form of an Egyptian pyramid - one of three pyramid temples on the territory of Ukraine (two others: Berezovorudska pyramid and Sevastopol St. Nicholas temple). In 1885 the tomb was consecrated as the Orthodox Church of St. Sophia. Burial Bilevich destroyed in the middle. XX century.

Село Комендантівка розташоване в долині річки Суха Кобелячка між Кобеляками та Кременчуком. Відоме з XVIII ст., коли село належало князю Д. Туркестанову, якого в народі називали "комендантом" (звідси і назва села). В кінці XVIII ст. Комендантівку отримав в придане за донькою "коменданта" Туркестанова ротмістр А. І. Білевич, і відтоді село понад століття було у власності роду Білевичів. В 1864-77 рр. морський офіцер А. Д. Білевич, що побував в Єгипті, спорудив в Комендантівці родову усипальницю в формі єгипетської піраміди - однин з трьох храмів-пірамід на території України (два інших: Березоворудська піраміда та севастопольський храм Св. Миколая). В 1885 році усипальниця було освячено як православну Софіївську церкву. Поховання Білевичів знищено в середині XX ст.

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