The village of Ivano-Frankovo is located on the shore of the large lake Yanovskiy Stav between Lvov and Yavoriv. Founded by the Polish marshal J. Svoszowski in 1611 as Janov. In XVIII, he received the Magdeburg Law. The Trinity Church was built in 1614 by the Dominicans (K. Poniatowska, mother of the Polish king Stanislav August is buried here), the Ascension Church was erected in 1831, the synagogue building is now used as a cinema. At the end. XIX century. the city began to turn into a resort with beaches on the lakeside. Now it is the center of the Rastochye reserve of the Yavoriv National Natural Park. According to legend, King Jan Sobieski loved to hunt on the Royal Hill above the lake.
Селище Івано-Франкове розташоване на березі великого озера Янівський Став між Львовом та Яворовом. Засноване польським маршалеком Я. Свошовським у 1611 році як Янов. У XVІІІ ст. отримало Магдебурзьке право. Троїцький костел збудований у 1614 році домініканцями (тут похована К. Понятовська, мати польського короля Станіслава Августа), в 1831 році зведена Вознесенська церква, будівля синагоги тепер використовується як кінотеатр. Наприкінці XIX ст. місто почало перетворюватися на курорт з пляжами на березі озера. Зараз є центром заповідника "Розточчя" Яворівського національного природного парку. На Королівській горі над озером, за легендою, любив полювати король Ян Собеський.
Museum of artistic woodworking
Museum / gallery
The Museum of Art Woodworking was established on the basis of the Art Vocational School №14 in Ivano-Frankivsk. The exposition began to take shape in 1958, when the school was still operating in Yavoriv. The museum exhibits many decorative plates decorated with Yavoriv ornaments, flat-relief carvings, relief carvings, openwork-relief carvings; candlesticks; Yavoriv boxes; pendants from various plates; furniture with Yavoriv carvings, including two chess tables with chess pieces. Numerous easel carvings on fairy-tale themes, sculptural portraits of I. Franko and B. Khmelnytsky are presented.
Roztocze Museum of Nature
Zoo , Museum / gallery
The Museum of Nature in Ivano-Frankivsk is located on the territory of the administration of the Roztocze Nature Reserve and showcases the flora and fauna of this region. The museum presents collections of invertebrates and vertebrates, rare and listed in the Red Book of plant and animal species. Stands with Roztocze rocks and minerals, lichens and mosses, fruits and seeds, pathogenic fungi are presented. In banks with formalin "swim" fish, viper and so on. In the corner of the room - stuffed animals of wild animals: red deer, badger, wild boar. The collection of birds includes 45 species. Valuable in the museum is a collection of butterflies and beetles Roztocze entomologist G. Filik, which has more than 250 species, 15 of which are listed in the Red Book. On the territory there is a conference hall, tennis court, riding area, places for rest. Seedlings for sale.
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