The city of Berezno on the river. Sluch is located between Rivne and Sarny. Known since the 16th century. like Andreev. Belonged to Poland, then Russia. The city had Magdeburg Law since the 16th century. The last owner was the landowner M. Malinsky - there is now a museum of local lore in his house. Before the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the city also had an Orthodox cathedral, a Catholic church, and a city gate of the 16th century. - none of these sights have survived. All R. XX century. a forestry technical school was founded, under which the Bereznovsky state arboretum was created. In the neighboring village. The estate of the Malinsky landowners with a park and several buildings in the Western European style (late 19th century), where now a tuberculosis dispensary, has been vividly p ...
The city of Berezno on the river. Sluch is located between Rivne and Sarny. Known since the 16th century. like Andreev. Belonged to Poland, then Russia. The city had Magdeburg Law since the 16th century. The last owner was the landowner M. Malinsky - there is now a museum of local lore in his house. Before the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the city also had an Orthodox cathedral, a Catholic church, and a city gate of the 16th century. - none of these sights have survived. All R. XX century. a forestry technical school was founded, under which the Bereznovsky state arboretum was created. In the neighboring village. The estate of the Malinsky landowners with a park and several buildings in the Western European style (late 19th century), where now a tuberculosis dispensary, has been vividly preserved.
Місто Березне на річці Случ розташоване між Рівним і Сарнами. Відоме з XVI ст. як Андрєєв. Належало Польщі, потім Росії. Магдебурзьке право місто мало з XVI ст. Останнім господарем був поміщик М. Малинський - в його будинку зараз краєзнавчий музей. До приходу більшовиків в місті також були православний собор, католицький костел, міська брама XVI ст. - нічого з цих пам'яток не збереглося. В середині XX ст. засновано лісовий технікум, при ньому створено Березнівський державний дендропарк. У сусідньому селі Зірне збереглася садиба поміщиків Малинських з парком і декількома будівлями в західноєвропейському стилі (кін. XIX ст.), в якій зараз розташовано туберкульозний диспансер.
Berezne Museum of Local Lore
Museum / gallery
The Berezne Museum of Local Lore is located in the former house of the landowner M. Malynsky, built in 1902-03 in the style of classicism. 5,000 exhibits tell about the history of Bereznivschyna from ancient times. In particular, an iron sword and an arrowhead of the XIV-XV centuries, objects of the Cossack era are presented. The interwar period is characterized by documents, photographs, household items, books belonging to the destroyed Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, icons from the Roman Catholic Church. One of the halls is dedicated to modern decorative and applied arts.
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