The village of Pogonya near Tysmenytsya is one of the major centers of pilgrimage for Greek Catholics. The first written mention of it dates back to 1634. The name of the settlement, according to folk legends, dates back to the events of the 13th century, when near Tysmenytsya the voivode Roman (possibly the son of Danila Galitsky) won the battle with Batu, after which he pursued (drove) his army with his few warriors. on the eve of the battle, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared to the voivode in a dream and ordered him not to defend himself, but to go boldly against the enemy. On the site of the victory over the many-Tatars, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built, and where the voivode had a dream, the church of St. Nicholas. In the beginning. XX century. ...
The village of Pogonya near Tysmenytsya is one of the major centers of pilgrimage for Greek Catholics. The first written mention of it dates back to 1634. The name of the settlement, according to folk legends, dates back to the events of the 13th century, when near Tysmenytsya the voivode Roman (possibly the son of Danila Galitsky) won the battle with Batu, after which he pursued (drove) his army with his few warriors. on the eve of the battle, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared to the voivode in a dream and ordered him not to defend himself, but to go boldly against the enemy. On the site of the victory over the many-Tatars, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built, and where the voivode had a dream, the church of St. Nicholas. In the beginning. XX century. in Pogona, a new church and monastery were built. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Pogonskaya is kept here.
Село Погоня біля Тисмениці - один з великих центрів паломництва греко-католиків. Перша письмова згадка про нього датується 1634 роком. Назва поселення, за народними переказами, походить від подій XIII ст., коли під Тисменицею воєвода Роман (можливо, син Данила Галицького) здобув перемогу в битві з Батиєм, після чого переслідував (гнав) його військо зі своїми нечисленними воїнами. Напередодні битви воєводі з'явився уві сні Св. Миколай Чудотворець і наказав не оборонятися, а сміливо йти на ворога. На місці перемоги над ионголо-татарами була побудована церква Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці, а там, де воєводі приснився сон - церкву Св. Миколая. На початку XX ст. в Погоні була побудована нова церква і монастир. Тут зберігається чудотворна ікона Матері Божої Погонської.
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