The old Carpathian town of Kalush is located on the banks of the river. Sivka. Significant industrial center of the Carpathian region. It arose, probably in the XII century, in written sources it was first mentioned in the XV century, Magdeburg Law was received in 1549 under the Polish crown hetman N. Seniavsky. The flourishing of Kalush is associated with the development of salt production, brewing, crafts, and then large-scale industry. Since 1772 the city was part of Austria-Hungary, in the beginning. XX century. here the Ukrainian power of the ZUNR was established for a short time. The city is associated with the name of S. Bandera, in the village. Stary Ugrinov is a memorial museum. The Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael (1903-1913) and the restored Roman Catholic Church of St. V ...
The old Carpathian town of Kalush is located on the banks of the river. Sivka. Significant industrial center of the Carpathian region. It arose, probably in the XII century, in written sources it was first mentioned in the XV century, Magdeburg Law was received in 1549 under the Polish crown hetman N. Seniavsky. The flourishing of Kalush is associated with the development of salt production, brewing, crafts, and then large-scale industry. Since 1772 the city was part of Austria-Hungary, in the beginning. XX century. here the Ukrainian power of the ZUNR was established for a short time. The city is associated with the name of S. Bandera, in the village. Stary Ugrinov is a memorial museum. The Greek Catholic Church of St. Michael (1903-1913) and the restored Roman Catholic Church of St. Valentine in the neo-Gothic style (1844-1899), several buildings of the 19th century have survived.
Старовинне прикарпатське містечко Калуш розташоване на берегах річки Сівка. Значний промисловий центр Прикарпаття. Місто виникло, ймовірно, у XII ст., в письмових джерелах вперше згадується в XV ст., Магдебурзьке право отримало в 1549 році при польському коронному гетьмані М. Сенявському. Розквіт Калуша пов'язаний з розвитком солевидобутку, пивоваріння, ремесел, потім великої промисловості. З 1772 року місто входило до складу Австро-Угорщини, на початку XX ст. тут ненадовго була встановлена українська влада ЗУНР. Місто пов'язане з ім'ям С. Бандери, в с. Старий Угринів діє меморіальний музей. Збереглася греко-католицька церква Св. Михайла (1903-1913 рр.) і відреставрований римо-католицький костел Св. Валентина в стилі неоготики (1844-1899 рр.), кілька будівель XIX ст.
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