An ancient Carpathian village, nicknamed by the famous ethnographer V. Hnatiuk "Ukrainian Athens" as a place of inspiration for the creative intelligentsia. Located 5 km east of Verkhovyna, at the bend of the river. Black Cheremosh, in a picturesque valley at the foot of Mount Varitin and the Igrets ridge. Known since the 17th century. The "contradictory" name is probably due to the fact that in this place the sharp bends of the river channel are combined with the flat sections of the valley. In 1719, the wooden church of the Nativity of the Virgin was laid, in its present form, rebuilt in 1818. The glory of the center of Ukrainian culture came at the beginning. XX century, when I. Franko began to regularly visit here on vacation, a museum was opened in his house. At ...
An ancient Carpathian village, nicknamed by the famous ethnographer V. Hnatiuk "Ukrainian Athens" as a place of inspiration for the creative intelligentsia. Located 5 km east of Verkhovyna, at the bend of the river. Black Cheremosh, in a picturesque valley at the foot of Mount Varitin and the Igrets ridge. Known since the 17th century. The "contradictory" name is probably due to the fact that in this place the sharp bends of the river channel are combined with the flat sections of the valley. In 1719, the wooden church of the Nativity of the Virgin was laid, in its present form, rebuilt in 1818. The glory of the center of Ukrainian culture came at the beginning. XX century, when I. Franko began to regularly visit here on vacation, a museum was opened in his house. At different times L. Ukrainka, O. Kobylyanskaya, V. Stefanyk, K. Stanislavsky, M. Dragomanov, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, M. Hrushevsky, M. Stelmakh, A. Malyshko, D. Pavlychko and others have also been here. Currently, Krivorovnya is turning into a village museum. There are 14 ethnographic, historical and biographical museums: the Hutsul Grazhda Museum, the Hutsul Life Museum, the M. Hrushevsky House Museum. On the last Sunday of June, the folk holiday "Seeing Off to the Polonyna" is held.
Старовинне карпатське село, яке відомий етнограф В. Гнатюк назвав "українськими Афінами" як місце натхнення творчої інтелігенції. Розташоване в 5 км на схід від Верховини, на вигині річки Чорний Черемош, в мальовничій долині біля підніжжя гори Варітин і хребта Ігрець. Відоме з XVII ст. "Суперечлива" назва, ймовірно, пов'язана з тим, що в цьому місці різкі вигини русла річки поєднуються з рівними ділянками долини. В 1719 році закладена дерев'яна церква Різдва Богородиці, в нинішньому вигляді відбудована в 1818 році. Слава центру української культури прийшла на початку XX ст., коли тут став регулярно бувати на відпочинку І. Франко - в його будинку відкрито музей. У різний час тут також бували Л. Українка, О. Кобилянська, В. Стефаник, К. Станіславський, М. Драг ...
Старовинне карпатське село, яке відомий етнограф В. Гнатюк назвав "українськими Афінами" як місце натхнення творчої інтелігенції. Розташоване в 5 км на схід від Верховини, на вигині річки Чорний Черемош, в мальовничій долині біля підніжжя гори Варітин і хребта Ігрець. Відоме з XVII ст. "Суперечлива" назва, ймовірно, пов'язана з тим, що в цьому місці різкі вигини русла річки поєднуються з рівними ділянками долини. В 1719 році закладена дерев'яна церква Різдва Богородиці, в нинішньому вигляді відбудована в 1818 році. Слава центру української культури прийшла на початку XX ст., коли тут став регулярно бувати на відпочинку І. Франко - в його будинку відкрито музей. У різний час тут також бували Л. Українка, О. Кобилянська, В. Стефаник, К. Станіславський, М. Драгоманов, В. Немирович-Данченко, М. Грушевський, М. Стельмах, А. Малишко, Д. Павличко та ін. Зараз Криворівня перетворюється на село-музей. Діють 14 етнографічних і історико-біографічних музеїв: музей "Гуцульська ґражда", музей гуцульського побуту, будинок-музей М. Грушевського. В останню неділю червня проходить народне свято "Проводи на полонину".
Hutsul Antiquities Museum
Museum / gallery
The ethnographic museum of antiquities of the Hutsul region was opened in the yard of his own house by ethnographer and historian from Kryvyi Rih Ya. Zelenchuk. In one hall there are several thematic expositions: ancient times (tools for gathering, hunting, fishing), shepherd's mountain pasture, woodworking and construction, handicrafts and crafts, samples of decorative and applied arts (clothes, painted pottery, carvings, carvings). instruments (drums, violins), the liberation struggle (world wars, the opryshki movement). In particular, a copy of the smoking pipe of the legendary Hutsul Chukutykha is presented.
Ivan Franko Literary Memorial Museum
Museum / gallery
The Ivan Franko Literary Memorial Museum was opened in the house of V. Yakobyuk, where the writer rested several times in 1906-14. He liked Kryvyi Rih so much that he chose this village for his permanent summer vacation and came here almost every summer with his family for 12 years. Here it was visited by L. Ukrainka, G. Khotkevych, M. Kotsyubynsky, M. Hrushevsky, V. Hnatyuk, V. Shukhevych and others. Already ill, Franco continued to work here, dictating the texts of his works to a local teacher. The museum was founded in 1960 on the initiative of the writer's wife G. Khotkevych - Platonida. The exposition, located in 5 rooms, stores Frank's personal belongings: a bed, a desk and a chair, a guest bench, a clock, etc. An interesting Hutsul stove, decorated with tiles by O. Bakhmatyuk (1874).
Khata-grazhda Museum
Architecture , Museum / gallery
The Khata-Grazhda Museum was established in Kryvyi Rih on the basis of one of the few examples of this typical Hutsul fortress house built in 1858. Residential and commercial buildings with deaf outer walls surround a small courtyard, forming an enclosed space. Citizens served to protect against enemies, wild beasts and bad weather. Kryvyi Rih citizen in the late nineteenth century. belonged to the Haruk family, who were often visited by writer I. Franko and ethnographer V. Hnatyuk. In 1964, this hut was used during the filming of "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors". Since 1984, the house was empty. In 1993 it was restored and a museum was opened. There are exhibitions of paintings and photographs.
Museum of the village of Kryvorivnya
Museum / gallery
The Museum of Local Lore was established in the village in 1965 on the basis of a secondary school. The exposition tells about the history of the Hutsul village, life and way of life of the region's inhabitants. The museum has more than 100 exhibits.
Mykhailo Hrushevsky Museum
Museum / gallery
The house-museum of the famous historian and politician of the Ukrainian People's Republic Mykhailo Hrushevsky was opened on the place where at the beginning of the XX century. he bought the estate from the local landowner Przebilowski. Here the future president of Ukraine has repeatedly been on vacation. The villa burned down in 1917, but in 2003 it was recreated according to surviving eyewitness drawings and memoirs. The museum presents biographical documents and photographs, ethnographic collection, household items of the early XX century.
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