Makariv - the village on the river. Zdvizh near the highway Kiyv-Zhitomir. The remains of ancient Rus settlements of the 9th-12th centuries were found here, but the present settlement has been known since 1550 as Voronin. It was owned by the Lithuanian feudal lords Vasentsevs, then the Makarevichs, who built a stone castle (not preserved). During the War of Independence, the estate of the Kharlinsky gentry, who owned the village at that time, was burned down in Makariv, and during the Koliivshchyna period the Haidamaks forced the then owner of the village K. Rossishevsky to flee. In 1651, Metropolitan Dmitry Tuptalo was born in Makariv (a monument is erected). Since 1804 Makarov became the center of the Kiev district volost, then the regional center. No samples of old architecture have ...
Makariv - the village on the river. Zdvizh near the highway Kiyv-Zhitomir. The remains of ancient Rus settlements of the 9th-12th centuries were found here, but the present settlement has been known since 1550 as Voronin. It was owned by the Lithuanian feudal lords Vasentsevs, then the Makarevichs, who built a stone castle (not preserved). During the War of Independence, the estate of the Kharlinsky gentry, who owned the village at that time, was burned down in Makariv, and during the Koliivshchyna period the Haidamaks forced the then owner of the village K. Rossishevsky to flee. In 1651, Metropolitan Dmitry Tuptalo was born in Makariv (a monument is erected). Since 1804 Makarov became the center of the Kiev district volost, then the regional center. No samples of old architecture have survived.
Макарів - селище на річці Здвиж поруч з трасою Київ-Житомир. Тут знайдені залишки давньоруських городищ ІХ-ХІІ ст., але нинішнє селище відоме з 1550 року як Воронін. Перебувало у власності литовських феодалів Васенцевих, потім Макаревичей, які побудували кам'яний замок (не зберігся). Під час Визвольної війни в Макарові було спалено маєток шляхтичів Харлінських, яким село належало у той час, а в період Коліївщини гайдамаки змусили бігти тодішнього господаря села К. Росцішевського. В 1651 році в Макарові народився митрополит Дмитро Туптало (встановлено пам'ятник). З 1804 року Макарів став центром волості Київського повіту, потім райцентром. Зразків старої архітектури не збереглося.
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