The resort village of Vorzel is located among pine and oak forests, 20 km north-west of Kiyv Warsaw highway Kiyv-Sarny. Arose in the beginning. XX century. as a suburban settlement next to the Kovel railway. The country house of Countess Uvarova, daughter of the patron F. Tereshchenko (1913) has been preserved. The benefits of the Vorzel climate, conditioned by a mixed oak-pine forest, were first noted by academicians F. Yanovsky and N. Strazhesko. Thanks to the exceptional natural and climatic conditions, the development of the sanatorium and resort infrastructure began. Vorzelsk sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Natural monument - a relict 30-meter tulip tree.
Курортне селище Ворзель розташоване серед соснових та дубових лісів в 20 км на північний захід від Києва, на Варшавській трасі Київ-Сарни. Виникло на початку XX ст. як дачне селище поруч з Ковельської залізницею. Зберігся дачний будиночок графині Уварової, дочки мецената Ф. Терещенка (1913 р.). Користь ворзельського клімату, обумовленого змішаним дубово-сосновим лісом, першими відзначили академіки Ф. Яновський і М. Стражеска. Завдяки винятковим природно-кліматичним умовам почався розвиток санаторно-курортної інфраструктури. Ворзельські санаторії спеціалізуються на лікуванні серцево-судинних захворювань. Природна пам'ятка - реліктове 30-метрове тюльпанове дерево.
Museum of History and Culture "Uvarov House"
Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery
The country house of Countess N. Uvarova was built at the beginning. XX century manufacturer A. Septer. Countess Uvarova (as a girl Tereshchenko) liked the fashionable architecture of the building with a romantic tower and weather vane. Having bought it, the countess decorated her possessions with various rare plants and trees of valuable species. A fountain and gravel paths were built near the house. After the February Revolution in 1917, the Uvarovs and the entire Tereshchenko family emigrated to England. A school was opened in the Countess's house during the Soviet era, and the Ukrainian writer V. Pidmohylny studied here. Today it is the Museum of History and Culture "Uvarov House", there is an exhibition hall. Concerts are held on weekends.
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