Northeastern suburb of Kiev, bordering on the Troeshina residential area. The village was first mentioned in documents in 1545, but archaeological research indicates that the settlement existed in princely times. According to one version, a prince's prison or warehouse was located here. According to another, the name indicates the food cellars of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra that existed here, to which the village belonged since the 15th century. Hetmans Mazepa and Skoropadsky consistently confirmed with their station wagons that Pogreby belonged to the Kiev metropolitan cathedra, but in 1772, by decree of Catherine II, these lands were transferred to the treasury. In Soviet times, a school was built from the materials of the dismantled Church of the Assumption. Now the village is underg ...
Northeastern suburb of Kiev, bordering on the Troeshina residential area. The village was first mentioned in documents in 1545, but archaeological research indicates that the settlement existed in princely times. According to one version, a prince's prison or warehouse was located here. According to another, the name indicates the food cellars of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra that existed here, to which the village belonged since the 15th century. Hetmans Mazepa and Skoropadsky consistently confirmed with their station wagons that Pogreby belonged to the Kiev metropolitan cathedra, but in 1772, by decree of Catherine II, these lands were transferred to the treasury. In Soviet times, a school was built from the materials of the dismantled Church of the Assumption. Now the village is undergoing active cottage construction. A new center has been built, there are several shops, bars, gas stations.
Північно-східне передмістя Києва, що межує з житловим масивом Троєщина. Вперше в документах село згадується в 1545 році, проте археологічні дослідження свідчать, що поселення існувало ще в княжі часи. За однією з версій, тут розташовувалася княжа в'язниця або склад. За іншою, назва вказує на існуючі тут продовольчі погреби Києво-Печерської лаври, якій село належало з XV ст. Гетьмани Мазепа і Скоропадський послідовно підтверджували своїми універсалами приналежність Погребів київському митрополитству, але в 1772 р указом Катерини II ці землі відійшли до скарбниці. В радянські часи з матеріалів розібраної Успенської церкви була побудована школа. Зараз в селі ведеться активне котеджне будівництво. Побудовано нову церкву, є кілька магазинів, барів, АЗС.
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