The village of Zabolotov on the river. The Prut is located between Snyatyn and Kolomyya. It was first mentioned in 1455 as the property of the wealthy nobleman P. Preslavsky, who donated the village to his daughter Sofia. As the founder, a monument is erected to her in the village. A large Jewish community settled here in the 18th century. Preserved Roman Catholic church of the XIX century. There is a branch of the Kolomyia factory of art products.
Селище Заболотів на річці Прут розташоване між Снятином і Коломиєю. Вперше згадується в 1455 році як власність багатого шляхтича П. Преславського, який подарував село своїй доньці Софії. Як засновниці, в селищі встановлено їй пам'ятник. В XVIII ст тут оселилася велика єврейська громада. Зберігся римо-католицький костел XIX ст. Працює філія Коломийської фабрики художніх виробів.
Museum of the Liberation Struggle
Museum / gallery
The Museum of the Liberation Struggle of the Pokut Region was opened in Zabolotov in 2007 to mark the 65th anniversary of the UPA. The exposition is located in five halls. The exhibits are conditionally divided into two sections. The historical department tells about the armed struggle of the Pokuts against the occupation regimes in the 1920s and 1950s. In particular, the reconstruction of the situation of the insurgents' bunker is presented. Original documents and photographs cover the history of the liberation movement in Pokut. In addition, the museum has a small ethnographic exhibition.
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