The village of Pnev is located 2 km from Nadvirna in the direction of Bystritsa at the foot of Gorgan. It was first mentioned in 1482 as the property of the Polish (according to other sources - Hungarian) nobles of the Kuropatvs, who received these lands in the XIV century. for the service of the Polish king Władysław Opolski. To protect the ancient trade route from Galicia to Hungary, the Kuropatvas built a powerful castle, which also served as a customs point. Over time, near the castle (from the outside - "in the yard") a suburb of Nadvirna (the current regional center) arose. The castle was sieged several times during popular uprisings and the War of Independence. In 1745, it passed into the possession of the Senyavsky family, but by that time it had already lost its signi ...
The village of Pnev is located 2 km from Nadvirna in the direction of Bystritsa at the foot of Gorgan. It was first mentioned in 1482 as the property of the Polish (according to other sources - Hungarian) nobles of the Kuropatvs, who received these lands in the XIV century. for the service of the Polish king Władysław Opolski. To protect the ancient trade route from Galicia to Hungary, the Kuropatvas built a powerful castle, which also served as a customs point. Over time, near the castle (from the outside - "in the yard") a suburb of Nadvirna (the current regional center) arose. The castle was sieged several times during popular uprisings and the War of Independence. In 1745, it passed into the possession of the Senyavsky family, but by that time it had already lost its significance, like Pnev himself. Now it is a small village on the outskirts of Ndvornaya.
Село Пнів розташоване в 2 км від Надвірної в бік Бистриці біля підніжжя Горган. Вперше згадується в 1482 році як власність польських (за іншими даними - угорських) дворян Куропатвів, які отримали ці землі в XIV ст. за службу у польського короля Владислава Опольського. Для захисту стародавнього торгового шляху з Галичини до Угорщини Куропатви побудували потужний замок, який також виконував роль митного пункту. Згодом поруч із замком (з зовнішньої сторони - "на дворі") виникло передмістя Надвірна (нинішній райцентр). Замок неодноразово потрапляв в облогу під час народних повстань і Визвольної війни. В 1745 році перейшов у володіння роду Сенявських, однак своє значення він на той час вже втратив, як і сам Пнів. Зараз це невелике село на околиці Надвірної.
Museum of Oilfields of Galicia
Museum / gallery
The Museum of Oilfields of Galicia was opened in 2013 in the village of Pniv near Nadvirna, which is one of the centers of Ukrainian oil production and refining. Industrial oil production in the Carpathians began in 1771, when they began to extract brine en masse from a well in Sloboda-Rungurska in the Kolomyia region. The oil museum is located on the territory of the Training and Course Plant of the Nadvirnaftogaz Oil and Gas Production Department. The exposition consists of two parts. The museum premises present archival materials, photographs, models of oil fields. Industrial equipment and models from the first drilling and oil production facilities of the 17th century are exhibited in the open-air museum territory. to modern equipment.
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