Kovalevka is an exemplary village of the era of "wild capitalism", the patrimony of the agricultural firm "Svitanok" and the family of the former Kiev governor of Drought. According to legend, it was founded by the blacksmith Nazarenko on the banks of the Kamenka River in the 16th century. It flourished in the 1990s, when the Zasukh family, who lived here, entered the inner circle of the President of Ukraine L. Kuchma. The village amazes with its incredible cleanliness for the Ukrainian hinterland, quality of roads, luxurious infrastructure: the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, a hospital, a house of culture, a gymnasium, a chic restaurant "Land of the World", a pizzeria, a beauty salon, a pond with gazebos and swans, lawns and flower beds. The pompous ...
Kovalevka is an exemplary village of the era of "wild capitalism", the patrimony of the agricultural firm "Svitanok" and the family of the former Kiev governor of Drought. According to legend, it was founded by the blacksmith Nazarenko on the banks of the Kamenka River in the 16th century. It flourished in the 1990s, when the Zasukh family, who lived here, entered the inner circle of the President of Ukraine L. Kuchma. The village amazes with its incredible cleanliness for the Ukrainian hinterland, quality of roads, luxurious infrastructure: the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, a hospital, a house of culture, a gymnasium, a chic restaurant "Land of the World", a pizzeria, a beauty salon, a pond with gazebos and swans, lawns and flower beds. The pompous Drought mansion stands out.
Ковалівка - зразково-показове село епохи "дикого капіталізму", вотчина агрофірми "Світанок" та сім'ї колишнього київського губернатора Засухи. За легендою, засноване ковалем Назаренком на березі річки Кам'янка в XVI ст. Розквіт припав на 1990-і рр., коли родина Засух, яка тут жила, увійшла в найближче оточення Президента України Л. Кучми. Село вражає неймовірною для української глибинки чистотою, якістю доріг, розкішної інфраструктурою: церква Різдва Богородиці, лікарня, будинок культури, гімназія, шикарний ресторан "Земля мрії", піцерія, салон краси, ставок з альтанками т лебедями, газони і клумби. Виділяється помпезний особняк Засух.
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