The village of Chervone (formerly Lyatskoe) is located at the foot of the Voroniki's hilly strand on the N-02 "Lviv - Ternopil" highway. It was first mentioned in 1380 as the property of the landowner N. Sherochits, the center of his key. Later the village was owned by Gosabovskie, Stremboshi, Ocharovskie. The Church of Cosmas and Damian was built in 1886 according to the project of architect. V. Nagorny. Also preserved is the three-story building of the Seter of Mercy monastery, founded in the 19th century. on the site of the Stremboshi manor. On the mountain above the village in 1820, T. Strembos built a family tomb-mausoleum, which has been preserved in ruins. On the slope of the hill near the road in front of the entrance to the village there is a cemetery for the sold ...
The village of Chervone (formerly Lyatskoe) is located at the foot of the Voroniki's hilly strand on the N-02 "Lviv - Ternopil" highway. It was first mentioned in 1380 as the property of the landowner N. Sherochits, the center of his key. Later the village was owned by Gosabovskie, Stremboshi, Ocharovskie. The Church of Cosmas and Damian was built in 1886 according to the project of architect. V. Nagorny. Also preserved is the three-story building of the Seter of Mercy monastery, founded in the 19th century. on the site of the Stremboshi manor. On the mountain above the village in 1820, T. Strembos built a family tomb-mausoleum, which has been preserved in ruins. On the slope of the hill near the road in front of the entrance to the village there is a cemetery for the soldiers of the Galicia division.
Село Червоне (колишнє Ляцке) розташоване біля підніжжя горбистої гряди Вороники на трасі Н-02 "Львів - Тернопіль". Вперше згадується в 1380 році як власність землевласника М. Шерочиця, центр його ключа. Пізніше селом володіли Госабовські, Стрембоші, Очаровські. Церкву Косми і Даміана побудовано в 1886 році за проєктом архітектора В. Нагірного. Також зберігся триповерховий корпус монастиря Сестер милосердя, заснованого в XIX ст. на місці садиби Стрембошів. На горі над селом в 1820 році Т. Стрембош побудував родову усипальницю-мавзолей, яка збереглася в руїнах. На схилі пагорба біля траси перед в'їздом в село розташоване кладовище бійців дивізії "Галичина".
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