Urban-type settlement Pavlysh on the river. Omelnichek is located 20 km south of Kremenchug. Known from the beginning. XVII century. as a hamlet Butovka, founded by the Cossack chieftain But. From the second floor. XVIII century is called Pavlysh. In 1752 it became part of the New Serbia zone of military settlements. Since 1948, the Pavlysh secondary school was led by the outstanding Soviet teacher V. Sukhomlinsky, who developed his own original system of raising children here. At the school. Sukhomlinsky Memorial Pedagogical Museum was opened, and a monument was erected on the teacher's grave (1971, sk. A. Fuzhenko).
Селище міського типу Павлиш на річці Омельничек розташоване в 20 км на південь від Кременчука. Відоме з початку XVII ст. як хутір Бутівка, заснований козацьким отаманом Бутом. З другої половини XVIII ст. носить назву Павлиш. В 1752 році стало частиною смуги військових поселень Нова Сербія. Павлиською середноью школою з 1948 року керував видатний радянський педагог В. Сухомлинський, розробивши тут свою оригінальну систему виховання дітей. В школі ім. Сухомлинського відкрито меморіально-педагогічний музей, а на могилі педагога встановлено пам'ятник (1971 рік, скульптор А. Фуженко).
Sukhomlynsky Memorial and Pedagogical Museum
Museum / gallery
The Vasyl Sukhomlynsky Memorial and Pedagogical Museum was opened in 1971 at Pavlyska Secondary School, which has been managed by an outstanding teacher since 1948 for 22 years. Here he conducted his long pedagogical experiment, as a result of which he created an original system of raising children. The museum fund has more than 20 thousand storage units. The pedagogical documentation of the school of 1950-60s, manuscripts of literary and scientific-pedagogical works of Sukhomlinsky, personal documents are presented. The atmosphere of the study and apartment of the Sukhomlinsky family is preserved. You can see the school grounds: several educational facilities, a school garden, green classrooms.
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