
Travel guide online Strumivka

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Strumivka

The village of Strumovka is an eastern suburb of Lutsk. It arose in the 19th century. as the Czech colony Teremnovskaya near the large village of Teremno (now - the microdistrict of Lutsk). The barracks of the Izyum regiment were located here. In Soviet times, Strumovka was a farm, in 1989 it received the status of a village. Now it is a promising direction of suburban cottage construction. Remains of 6 settlements of the XII-XIV centuries were found around the village.

Село Струмівка - східне передмістя Луцька. Виникло в XIX ст. як чеська колонія Теремнівська поруч з великим селом Теремно (зараз - мікрорайон Луцька). Тут розміщувалися казарми Ізюмського полку. В радянські часи Струмівка була хутором, в 1989 році отримала статус села. Зараз це перспективний напрямок заміського котеджного будівництва. Навколо села виявлені залишки 6 поселень XII-XIV ст.

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