
Travel guide online Armiansk

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Armiansk

The city of Armyansk is located on the Perekop Isthmus, which connects Crimea with the continent, on the Simfiropol-Kherson highway. Here is the legendary Perekop shaft, which has long defended the only land route to the Crimea from the north. Armyansk was founded in the beginning. XVIII century Armenians and Greeks who moved from the fortress of Or-Kapy (Perekop) - one of the three fortresses that guarded the Perekop shaft. The city has been known since the 1730s. called Armenian Bazaar. In 1921 it was renamed to Armyansk. The status of a city of republican subordination was assigned in 1993. It is a convenient transshipment point on the way to Crimea. The roadside infrastructure is well developed: gas station, cafes, shops. On the border of the Crimean Avtomia there is a stationary tr ...

The city of Armyansk is located on the Perekop Isthmus, which connects Crimea with the continent, on the Simfiropol-Kherson highway. Here is the legendary Perekop shaft, which has long defended the only land route to the Crimea from the north. Armyansk was founded in the beginning. XVIII century Armenians and Greeks who moved from the fortress of Or-Kapy (Perekop) - one of the three fortresses that guarded the Perekop shaft. The city has been known since the 1730s. called Armenian Bazaar. In 1921 it was renamed to Armyansk. The status of a city of republican subordination was assigned in 1993. It is a convenient transshipment point on the way to Crimea. The roadside infrastructure is well developed: gas station, cafes, shops. On the border of the Crimean Avtomia there is a stationary traffic police post, sometimes a resort fee is introduced for entering the peninsula.

Місто Армянськ розташоване на Перекопському перешийку, що з'єднує Крим з континентом, на трасі Сімферополь-Херсон. Тут знаходиться легендарний Перекопський вал, який здавна захищав єдиний сухопутний шлях до Криму з півночі. Армянськ заснований на початку XVIII ст. вірменами й греками, що переселилися з фортеці Ор-Капи (Перекоп) - однієї з трьох фортець, які охороняли Перекопський вал. Місто відоме з 1730-х рр. під назвою Вірменський Базар. В 1921 році перейменоване на Армянськ. Статус міста республіканського підпорядкування надано в 1993 році. Це зручний перевалочний пункт на шляху до Криму. Добре розвинена придорожня інфраструктура: АЗС, кафе, магазини. На кордоні Кримської авономії знаходиться стаціонарний пост ДАІ, іноді вводиться курортний збір за в'їзд на півострів.

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