
Travel guide online Honcharne

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Honcharne

The village of Goncharnoye is located in the Varnutskaya Valley between Sevastopol and Foros. It has been known since 1783 as the village of Varnitka in the Crimean Khanate. It was part of the Bakhchisarai Kaimakanate of Mangup Kadylyk. Since 1865, it has been mentioned in documents as the Tatar village of Varnutka as part of the Yalta district. This name remained until 1945, when, after the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, their deserted villages were massively renamed. For Varnutka, they chose an arbitrary name Goncharskoe, which had no toponymic basis. In Soviet times, when Sevastopol was a closed city, there was a checkpoint on the highway near the village. In Goncharny there is a fotnan with clean water, and next to the village there is a pond. Opposite the village there is a Ger ...

The village of Goncharnoye is located in the Varnutskaya Valley between Sevastopol and Foros. It has been known since 1783 as the village of Varnitka in the Crimean Khanate. It was part of the Bakhchisarai Kaimakanate of Mangup Kadylyk. Since 1865, it has been mentioned in documents as the Tatar village of Varnutka as part of the Yalta district. This name remained until 1945, when, after the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, their deserted villages were massively renamed. For Varnutka, they chose an arbitrary name Goncharskoe, which had no toponymic basis. In Soviet times, when Sevastopol was a closed city, there was a checkpoint on the highway near the village. In Goncharny there is a fotnan with clean water, and next to the village there is a pond. Opposite the village there is a German cemetery, where the soldiers of the Wehrmacht, who died in the Crimea during the Second World War, are buried.

Село Гончарне розташоване в Варнутській долині між Севастополем і Форосом. Відоме з 1783 року як селище Варнітка в складі Кримського ханства. Входило до Бахчисарайського каймаканства Мангупського кадилика. З 1865 року згадується в документах як татарське село Варнутка в складі Ялтинського повіту. Ця назва зберігалася до 1945 року, коли після депортації кримських татар їх спорожнілі села масово перейменовували. Для Варнутки обрали довільну назву Гончарське, яка не мала жодної топонімічної основи. В радянські часи, коли Севастополь був закритим містом, на трасі поблизу села знаходився КПП. В Гончарному є фонтан з чистою водою, а поруч з селом - ставок. Навпроти села розташоване німецьке кладовище, де поховані солдати Вермахту, які загинули в Криму в роки Другої світової війни.

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