Resort village and scientific center at the foot of Karadag near Koktebel. Arose on the southeastern coast of Crimea at the end. XIX - early. XX centuries. Initially, the Lower Otuz was called after the river flowing into the sea here. Otuz. In 1901, the abandoned estate "Karadag" was bought for studying the nature of the Crimea by the assistant professor of Moscow University T. Vyazemsky. here the Karadag biological station was created (now it is a branch of the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a dolphinarium is working.). In 1945, the village was renamed into the Crimean Primorye, and in 1978 it received the status of an urban-type settlement and a new name, Kurortnoye. From here, excursions to the Karadag reserve go. ...
Resort village and scientific center at the foot of Karadag near Koktebel. Arose on the southeastern coast of Crimea at the end. XIX - early. XX centuries. Initially, the Lower Otuz was called after the river flowing into the sea here. Otuz. In 1901, the abandoned estate "Karadag" was bought for studying the nature of the Crimea by the assistant professor of Moscow University T. Vyazemsky. here the Karadag biological station was created (now it is a branch of the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a dolphinarium is working.). In 1945, the village was renamed into the Crimean Primorye, and in 1978 it received the status of an urban-type settlement and a new name, Kurortnoye. From here, excursions to the Karadag reserve go. There are several boarding houses.
Курортне селище і науковий центр біля підніжжя Карадага поруч з Коктебелем. Виникло на південно-східному узбережжі Криму в кінці XIX - початку XX ст. Спочатку називалося Нижній Отуз по імені річки Отуз, яка впадає тут в море. В 1901 році занедбаний маєток "Карадаг" придбав для вивчення природи Криму приват-доцент Московського університету Т. Вяземський. В 1907-14 рр. тут була створена Карадагська біостанція (зараз це філія Інституту біології південних морів НАН України, працює дельфінарій.). В 1945 році село перейменували на Кримське Примор'є, а в 1978 році воно отримало статус смт і нове ім'я Курортне. Звідси відправляються екскурсії в Карадазький заповідник. Є кілька пансіонатів.
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