The village of Novofastov on the river. Gorokhovatka is located 15 km northeast of Pogrebishche. Founded in the 17th century. as Golofastov as the Kremenets headman Y. Vishnevetsky on the lands inherited from the Zbarazhskys. In 1780 these lands became the property of the Lyubovitsky family. In 1805, the village was renamed Novofastov and received the status of a town, which it retained until the beginning. XX century. Landowner I. Lyubovitsky in the XIX century. founded his residence in Novofastov: he laid out a park in the English style, erected several neo-Gothic wings (part of the estate has survived). The stone St. Michael's Church was built in 1831 by I. Lyubovitsky on the site of a wooden church founded in 1732. The building of a water mill, erected in 1896 by the last owners ...
The village of Novofastov on the river. Gorokhovatka is located 15 km northeast of Pogrebishche. Founded in the 17th century. as Golofastov as the Kremenets headman Y. Vishnevetsky on the lands inherited from the Zbarazhskys. In 1780 these lands became the property of the Lyubovitsky family. In 1805, the village was renamed Novofastov and received the status of a town, which it retained until the beginning. XX century. Landowner I. Lyubovitsky in the XIX century. founded his residence in Novofastov: he laid out a park in the English style, erected several neo-Gothic wings (part of the estate has survived). The stone St. Michael's Church was built in 1831 by I. Lyubovitsky on the site of a wooden church founded in 1732. The building of a water mill, erected in 1896 by the last owners of the village, Borovskiy, has also survived.
Село Новофастів на річці Гороховатка розташоване в 15 км на північний схід від Погребища. Засноване в XVII ст. як Голофаст кременецьким старостою Я. Вишневецьким на землях, які дісталися йому у спадок від Збаразьких. В 1780 році ці землі перейшли у власність роду Любовицьких. В 1805 році село було перейменоване на Новофастів і отримало статус містечка, який зберігало до початку XX ст. Поміщик І. Любовицький в XIX ст. заклав в Новофастові свою резиденцію: розбив парк в англійському стилі, звів кілька неоготичних флігелів (частина садиби збереглася). Кам'яна Свято-Михайлівська церква збудована в 1831 році І. Любовицьким на місці дерев'яного храму, заснованого в 1732 році. Також збереглася будівля водяного млина, зведена в 1896 році останніми власниками села Боровськими.
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