The Volodymyrets is a large Polesie village to the north-west of Sarn. It was first mentioned in the register of Lutsk povet in 1570 as an "ancient settlement" (the remains of an ancient Rus settlement have been preserved). It was owned by Kirdey-Mnisinsky, the Czartoryski princes, and the governor K. Pats. In the first floor. XVII century. belonged to the Chetvertinsky, thanks to whom the town received the Magdeburg Law. Metallurgy and the manufacture of bells were developed (ore was supplied from the neighboring village of Rudka). After the end of the War of Independence, the town remained with Poland, but in the 18th century. was annexed to Russia. Here was the estate of Count Krasitsky, who built a manor house that has survived to this day. The status of the regional cente ...
The Volodymyrets is a large Polesie village to the north-west of Sarn. It was first mentioned in the register of Lutsk povet in 1570 as an "ancient settlement" (the remains of an ancient Rus settlement have been preserved). It was owned by Kirdey-Mnisinsky, the Czartoryski princes, and the governor K. Pats. In the first floor. XVII century. belonged to the Chetvertinsky, thanks to whom the town received the Magdeburg Law. Metallurgy and the manufacture of bells were developed (ore was supplied from the neighboring village of Rudka). After the end of the War of Independence, the town remained with Poland, but in the 18th century. was annexed to Russia. Here was the estate of Count Krasitsky, who built a manor house that has survived to this day. The status of the regional center allowed Vladimirts to develop somewhat only in the post-war years.
Володимирець - велике поліське селище на північний захід від Сарн. Вперше згадується в реєстрі Луцького повіту в 1570 році як "старовинне поселення" (збереглися залишки давньоруського городища). Було у власності Кірдея-Мнішинського, князів Чарторийських, воєводи К. Паца. В першій половині XVII ст. належало Четвертинським, завдяки яким містечко отримало Магдебурзьке право. Була розвинена металургія, виробництво дзвонів (руда поставлялася з сусіднього села Рудка). Після закінчення Визвольної війни містечко залишилося за Польщею, але в XVIII ст. було приєднано до Росії. Тут був маєток графа Красицького, який побудував садибний будинок, що зберігся дотепер. Статус райцентру дозволив Володимирцю дещо розвинутися тільки в післявоєнні роки.
Volodymyrets Historical Museum
Museum / gallery
Volodymyrets Historical Museum was founded in 1969. The exposition presents materials about the history of the region.
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