The city of Soledar in the Donbass is located at the confluence of the river Mokra Plotva in Bahmut (a tributary of the Siversky Donets). Known since the last quarter of the 17th century, when the village was located here. Bryantsivka, founded by the Cossacks of the Izyum regiment and settlers from the north of Ukraine. The main occupation of the inhabitants was salt production. In 1881 a mine was founded near the village. In 1965 Bryantsevka and the mine settlement in Karlo-Libknekhtivsk were merged. In 1991 it was renamed Soledar. In Soviet times, the Artyomsol enterprise produced up to 40% of the all-Union extraction of rock salt and 88% of Ukrainian production. In the spent salt mines at a depth of 300 m, a speleosanatorium has been opened for the prevention and treatment of asthma ...
The city of Soledar in the Donbass is located at the confluence of the river Mokra Plotva in Bahmut (a tributary of the Siversky Donets). Known since the last quarter of the 17th century, when the village was located here. Bryantsivka, founded by the Cossacks of the Izyum regiment and settlers from the north of Ukraine. The main occupation of the inhabitants was salt production. In 1881 a mine was founded near the village. In 1965 Bryantsevka and the mine settlement in Karlo-Libknekhtivsk were merged. In 1991 it was renamed Soledar. In Soviet times, the Artyomsol enterprise produced up to 40% of the all-Union extraction of rock salt and 88% of Ukrainian production. In the spent salt mines at a depth of 300 m, a speleosanatorium has been opened for the prevention and treatment of asthma and respiratory diseases.
Місто Соледар на Донеччині розташованt при впадінні річки Мокра Плотва в Бахмут (притока Сіверського Дінця). Відоме з останньої чверті XVII ст., коли тут розташовувалося село Брянцівка, засноване козаками Ізюмського полку та переселенцями з півночі України. Основним заняттям жителів було солеваріння. В 1881 році поруч з селом була заснована копальня. В 1965 році відбулося злиття Брянцівки та селища копальні в місті Карло-Лібкнехтівськ. В 1991 році перейменоване на Соледар. Підприємство "Артемсіль" виробляло за радянських часів до 40% загальносоюзного видобутку кам'яної солі і 88% українського видобутку. У відпрацьованих соляних шахтах на глибині більше ніж 300 м відкрито спелеосанаторій для профілактики та лікування астми, захворювань дихальних шляхів.
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