The historic village of Dikanka located on the river Vorskla, 25 km north of Poltava. He became famous thanks to N. Gogol's story "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". Since the 17th century. the estate of the Kochubeevs (now a landscape park) was located here, the most famous of which was the favorite of Alexander I, the first minister of internal affairs of Russia, Prince V. Kochubei. The Triumphal Arch in honor of the arrival of Tsar Alexander I, which is considered the hallmark of Dikanka, has survived, as well as four 800-year-old Kochubei oaks. Many places and architectural monuments are associated with various episodes and heroes of Gogol's works; an entertainment historical and cultural complex has been created on the site of the supposed "farm near Dikanka&q ...
The historic village of Dikanka located on the river Vorskla, 25 km north of Poltava. He became famous thanks to N. Gogol's story "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". Since the 17th century. the estate of the Kochubeevs (now a landscape park) was located here, the most famous of which was the favorite of Alexander I, the first minister of internal affairs of Russia, Prince V. Kochubei. The Triumphal Arch in honor of the arrival of Tsar Alexander I, which is considered the hallmark of Dikanka, has survived, as well as four 800-year-old Kochubei oaks. Many places and architectural monuments are associated with various episodes and heroes of Gogol's works; an entertainment historical and cultural complex has been created on the site of the supposed "farm near Dikanka".
Історичне селище Диканька розташоване на річці Ворскла, в 25 км на північ від Полтави. Прославилося завдяки повісті М. Гоголя "Вечори на хуторі біля Диканьки". З XVII ст. тут було розташовано маєток Кочубеїв (зараз - ландшафтний парк), найзнаменитішим з яких був фаворит Олександра I, перший міністр внутрішніх справ Росії князь В. Кочубей. Збереглася Тріумфальна арка на честь прибуття царя Олександра I, яка вважається візитною карткою Диканьки, а також чотири 800-річних дуби Кочубея. Чимало місць та архітектурних пам'яток пов'язують з різними епізодами та героями творів Гоголя, на місці ймовірного "хутора поблизу Диканьки" створений розважальний історико-культурний комплекс.
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