The village of Rakitnoe on the river. Mzha is located between Novaya Vodolaga and Lyubotin, not far from Kharkov. Founded in 1699 by Colonel F. Donets-Zakharzhevsky. His son sold the village to the Lipetsk centurion Chernyak. After his death, the centurion's widow married Lieutenant Colonel M. Kulikovsky, whose descendants owned the village until 1880.The Kulikovskys built an estate in Raktino in the style of Russian classicism, as well as the Arkhangelsk-Mikhailovsky temple - both architectural monuments have survived and are now the main attractions of Rakitnoye. At the end. XIX century. the village passed into the treasury, and later a gardening school (now an agrarian lyceum) was opened in the manor house. Near the neighboring village. Mokroe Rakitnoe has a recreation area with ...
The village of Rakitnoe on the river. Mzha is located between Novaya Vodolaga and Lyubotin, not far from Kharkov. Founded in 1699 by Colonel F. Donets-Zakharzhevsky. His son sold the village to the Lipetsk centurion Chernyak. After his death, the centurion's widow married Lieutenant Colonel M. Kulikovsky, whose descendants owned the village until 1880.The Kulikovskys built an estate in Raktino in the style of Russian classicism, as well as the Arkhangelsk-Mikhailovsky temple - both architectural monuments have survived and are now the main attractions of Rakitnoye. At the end. XIX century. the village passed into the treasury, and later a gardening school (now an agrarian lyceum) was opened in the manor house. Near the neighboring village. Mokroe Rakitnoe has a recreation area with two ponds.
Село Рокитне на річці Мож розташоване між Новою Водолагою та Люботином, неподалік від Харкова. Засноване в 1699 році полковником Ф. Донцем-Захаржевським. Його син продав село липецькому сотнику Черняку. Після його смерті вдова сотника побралася з підполковником М. Куликовським, чиї нащадки володіли селом до 1880 року. Куликівський побудували в Рокитному садибу в стилі російського класицизму, а також Архангело-Михайлівський храм - обидві архітектурних пам'ятки збереглися і тепер є головними визначними пам'ятками Рокитного. В кінці XIX ст. село перейшло до казни, а в садибному будинку пізніше відкрилася школа садівництва (зараз аграрний ліцей). Біля сусіднього села Мокре Рокитне є зона відпочинку з двома ставками.
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