A village on the r. Cherkaska, on the Ternopil-Chernivtsi highway, between Chortkiv and Tolstoy. It was first mentioned in the 15th century, later it received the status of a town with the right to hold a fair. In 1630, the crown hetman S. Lyantskoronsky built a large stone castle on the site of an old wooden castle. During the War of Independence, Yagelnitsa was captured by the Ukrainian Cossacks, but soon she withdrew to Turkey according to the Buchach Peace Treaty. Austrian authorities in the 19th century the castle was converted into a tobacco factory, which operated until recently. Also, two temples of the 19th century have survived. - Church of the Ascension and the Assumption Church. In the house of S. Bandera's sister, Oksana, a room-museum of the ideologue of Ukrainian nati ...
A village on the r. Cherkaska, on the Ternopil-Chernivtsi highway, between Chortkiv and Tolstoy. It was first mentioned in the 15th century, later it received the status of a town with the right to hold a fair. In 1630, the crown hetman S. Lyantskoronsky built a large stone castle on the site of an old wooden castle. During the War of Independence, Yagelnitsa was captured by the Ukrainian Cossacks, but soon she withdrew to Turkey according to the Buchach Peace Treaty. Austrian authorities in the 19th century the castle was converted into a tobacco factory, which operated until recently. Also, two temples of the 19th century have survived. - Church of the Ascension and the Assumption Church. In the house of S. Bandera's sister, Oksana, a room-museum of the ideologue of Ukrainian nationalism has been opened.
Село на річці Черкаска, на трасі Тернопіль-Чернівці, між Чортковом і Толстим. Вперше згадується в XV ст., пізніше отримало статус містечка з правом проведення ярмарку. В 1630 році коронний гетьман С. Лянцкоронський побудував великий кам'яний замок на місці старого деревяннонго. Під час Визвольної війни Ягільницю захопили українські козаки, але незабаром вона відійшла Туреччині згідно Бучацького мирного договору. Австрійська влада в XIX ст. переобладнали замок під тютюнову фабрику, яка працювала до останнього часу. Також збереглися два храми XIX ст. - Вознесенська церква та Успенський костел. В будинку сестри С. Бандери Оксани відкрита кімната-музей ідеолога українського націоналізму.
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