The town of Zolotoy Potok is located on the river. Potochek 20 km south of Buchach. It has been known since 1388 as Zagaypole. In the XVI century. King Sigismund I presented the village to Count J. Potocki, and since then it has belonged to this gentry family for over 200 years. The new owners built a defensive castle here, achieved the status of a town for the village and renamed it Golden Stream (according to legend, during the siege of the castle, the thirsty defenders accidentally found a saving source in the dungeon). In 1601 the city was granted the Magdeburg Law and the Pilava coat of arms. The Potocki castle (17th century) has survived: a palace, an entrance tower, walls (now there are workshops on the territory). In 1840 a new one-story palace was built. A baroque church from t ...
The town of Zolotoy Potok is located on the river. Potochek 20 km south of Buchach. It has been known since 1388 as Zagaypole. In the XVI century. King Sigismund I presented the village to Count J. Potocki, and since then it has belonged to this gentry family for over 200 years. The new owners built a defensive castle here, achieved the status of a town for the village and renamed it Golden Stream (according to legend, during the siege of the castle, the thirsty defenders accidentally found a saving source in the dungeon). In 1601 the city was granted the Magdeburg Law and the Pilava coat of arms. The Potocki castle (17th century) has survived: a palace, an entrance tower, walls (now there are workshops on the territory). In 1840 a new one-story palace was built. A baroque church from the 17th century has also survived.
Містечко Золотий Потік розташоване на річці Потічок в 20 км на південь від Бучача. Відоме з 1388 року як Загайполе. В XVI ст. король Сигізмунд I подарував село графу Я. Потоцькому, і відтоді воно належало цьому шляхетського роду протягом більш ніж 200 років. Нові власники побудували тут оборонний замок, домоглися для села статусу містечка й перейменували його в Золотий Потік (за легендою, під час облоги замку змучені спрагою захисники випадково знайшли в підземеллі рятівне джерело). В 1601 році місту було надано Магдебурзьке право і герб "Пілава". Зберігся замок Потоцьких (XVII ст.): палац, в'їзна вежа, стіни (зараз на території знаходяться майстерні). В 1840 році був побудований новий одноповерховий палац. Також зберігся бароковий костел XVII ст.
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