The small village of Vodyanoye is located on the hilly right bank of the Uda River, 20 km south of Kharkov, on the road to Zmiev. The settlement has been known since 1640, but the settlement has existed since ancient times. Archaeologists investigated the remains of a Scythian settlement (V-III century) and an early Slavic settlement Vodyanoe (VI-VII century). Before the revolution, Vodyanoye was one of the most prestigious dacha settlements where Kharkiv officials and merchants rested. The former parish church of Borisoglebsk (1905), which now belongs to the Borisoglebsk women's monastery, has survived. On the neighboring farm Krasnaya Polyana at the beginning. XX century. there was a dacha of the Sinyakov sisters, who were visited by famous representatives of futurism in poetry an ...
The small village of Vodyanoye is located on the hilly right bank of the Uda River, 20 km south of Kharkov, on the road to Zmiev. The settlement has been known since 1640, but the settlement has existed since ancient times. Archaeologists investigated the remains of a Scythian settlement (V-III century) and an early Slavic settlement Vodyanoe (VI-VII century). Before the revolution, Vodyanoye was one of the most prestigious dacha settlements where Kharkiv officials and merchants rested. The former parish church of Borisoglebsk (1905), which now belongs to the Borisoglebsk women's monastery, has survived. On the neighboring farm Krasnaya Polyana at the beginning. XX century. there was a dacha of the Sinyakov sisters, who were visited by famous representatives of futurism in poetry and art: V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky, N. Aseev, B. Pasternak, G. Petnikov.
Невелике селище Водяне розташоване на горбистому правому березі річки Уди в 20 км на південь від Харкова, по дорозі на Зміїв. Селище відоме з 1640 році, проте поселення існувало з найдавніших часів. Археологи досліджували залишки скіфського поселення (V-III ст.) та ранньослов'янське городище Водяне (VI-VII ст.). До революції Водяне було одним з найпрестижніших дачних селищ, де відпочивали харківські чиновники й купецтво. Збереглася колишня парафіяльна Борисоглібська церква (1905 р.), яка належить зараз Борисоглібському жіночому монастирю. На сусідньому хуторі Червона Поляна на початку XX ст. була дача сестер Синякових, у яких готювали відомі представники футуризму в поезії й мистецтві: В. Хлєбніков, В. Маяковський, М. Асєєв, Б. Пастернак, Г. Петников.
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