The village of Novy Bykov on the r. Supoy is located on the H-07 highway between Kiev and Priluki, 35 km south of Bobrovitsy. For the first time Bykov is mentioned in the second floor. XVI century According to legend, the founder was a Cossack nicknamed the Bull. Initially, the Bykov settlement was located on the right bank of the Supoy. Over time, New Bykov appeared on the left bank, and the first one began to be called Old Bykov. The Assumption Church in the Empire style was built in 1801-04. commissioned by Count K. Razumovsky. In 1896 Baron Meyendorff built a sugar factory in Novy Bykovo. A dilapidated neo-Gothic palace has also survived. To the south of the village, a discovered ancient Rus settlement of the XII-XIII centuries. Now Novy Bykov is famous for its large roadside bazaar ...
The village of Novy Bykov on the r. Supoy is located on the H-07 highway between Kiev and Priluki, 35 km south of Bobrovitsy. For the first time Bykov is mentioned in the second floor. XVI century According to legend, the founder was a Cossack nicknamed the Bull. Initially, the Bykov settlement was located on the right bank of the Supoy. Over time, New Bykov appeared on the left bank, and the first one began to be called Old Bykov. The Assumption Church in the Empire style was built in 1801-04. commissioned by Count K. Razumovsky. In 1896 Baron Meyendorff built a sugar factory in Novy Bykovo. A dilapidated neo-Gothic palace has also survived. To the south of the village, a discovered ancient Rus settlement of the XII-XIII centuries. Now Novy Bykov is famous for its large roadside bazaar.
Село Новий Биків на річці Супій розташоване на трасі Н-07 між Києвом і Прилуками, в 35 км на південь від Бобровиці. Вперше Биків згадується у другій половині XVI ст. За легендою, засновником був козак на прізвисько Бик. Спочатку поселення Биків розташовувалося на правому березі Супоя. Згодом на лівому березі з'явився Новий Биків, а перший став називатися Старий Биків. Успенську церкву в стилі ампір побудовано в 1801-04 рр. на замовлення графа К. Розумовського. В 1896 році барон Мейєндорф побудував в Новому Бикова цукровий завод. Також зберігся напівзруйнований палац в стилі неоготики. На південь від села виявлено давньоруське городище XII-XIII ст. Зараз Новий Биків відомий великим придорожнім базаром.
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