A small regional center in the Chernihiv region, in the XII-XIII centuries. was referred to as the ancient Russian city of Khorobor. It was part of the Novgorod-Seversky, and after the Mongol invasion - the Bryansk principality. As a result of the Russian-Lithuanian war of 1500-03. went to Russia, in 1618 fell under the rule of Poland already as the volost center of Korop, and after the war of liberation, the Korop Hundred was created, which was directly subordinate to the hetman. In the second floor. XVIII century Korop received the Magdeburg Law, several churches were built, of which the Elias Church (1750-60), which had a defensive character (dilapidated), and the Church of the Ascension (1764) survived. There is a museum and a monument to the revolutionary terrorist M. Kibalchich wh ...
A small regional center in the Chernihiv region, in the XII-XIII centuries. was referred to as the ancient Russian city of Khorobor. It was part of the Novgorod-Seversky, and after the Mongol invasion - the Bryansk principality. As a result of the Russian-Lithuanian war of 1500-03. went to Russia, in 1618 fell under the rule of Poland already as the volost center of Korop, and after the war of liberation, the Korop Hundred was created, which was directly subordinate to the hetman. In the second floor. XVIII century Korop received the Magdeburg Law, several churches were built, of which the Elias Church (1750-60), which had a defensive character (dilapidated), and the Church of the Ascension (1764) survived. There is a museum and a monument to the revolutionary terrorist M. Kibalchich who was born here, a local history museum, an archaeological museum.
Маленький містечко на Чернігівщині, в XII-XIII ст. згадувалося як давньоруське місто Хоробор. Входило до складу Новгород-Сіверського, а після монгольської навали - Брянського князівства. В результаті російсько-литовської війни 1500-03 рр. відійшло до Росії, в 1618 році потрапило під владу Польщі вже як волосний центр Короп, а після Визвольної війни була створена Коропська сотня, яка безпосередньо підпорядковувалася гетьману. В другій половині XVIII ст. Короп отримав Магдебурзьке право, було побудовано кілька храмів, з яких збереглася Іллінська церква (1750-60 рр.), що мала оборонний характер (напівзруйнована), а також Вознесенська церква (1764 р.). Є музей і пам'ятник народженому тут революціонеру-терористові М. Кибальчичу, краєзнавчий музей, археологічний музей.
Korop Historical and Archaeological Museum
Museum / gallery
The Korop Regional Historical and Archaeological Museum is located in the building of the former Theodosius Church, which was built in the 1880s in the pseudo-Russian style. Under Soviet rule, the baths were removed from the temple and housed first a cinema and then a museum. Archaeological, geological and ethnographic collections are of considerable value. In the exposition you can see finds from the Mezyn Paleolithic site, a diorama of the Radychiv settlement from the times of Kievan Rus, samples of traditional clothes and towels. The museum also widely presents samples of ceramic pottery and tiles of Korop region, which was known as one of the leading centers of pottery. The architecture of the region is represented by models of all 9 churches that existed in Korop in the early XX century.
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