
Travel guide online Kozelets'

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Kozelets'

The city Kozelets on the Kiev-Chernigov highway has been known since the 17th century. as a fortress Kozlograd in the Commonwealth. From 1649 - the centenary of the Kiev regiment, for some time the regimental administration was located here. An outstanding architectural monument is the Baroque Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (1752-63) with a beautiful wooden iconostasis. It is believed that from the bell tower you can see Kiev and Chernigov at the same time. You can also see the Ascension Church (1866-74) and the Nicholas Church (1781-84), the building of the regimental office (1756-60) in the park behind the cathedral. On the eastern outskirts of the city, the estate of the Cossack-elders' family of the Daragans "Pokorshchina" (18th century) with a palace, a park ...

The city Kozelets on the Kiev-Chernigov highway has been known since the 17th century. as a fortress Kozlograd in the Commonwealth. From 1649 - the centenary of the Kiev regiment, for some time the regimental administration was located here. An outstanding architectural monument is the Baroque Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (1752-63) with a beautiful wooden iconostasis. It is believed that from the bell tower you can see Kiev and Chernigov at the same time. You can also see the Ascension Church (1866-74) and the Nicholas Church (1781-84), the building of the regimental office (1756-60) in the park behind the cathedral. On the eastern outskirts of the city, the estate of the Cossack-elders' family of the Daragans "Pokorshchina" (18th century) with a palace, a park and a kamenitsa has been preserved. Further outside the city is the St. George Monastery with a cathedral (1741-70).

Місто Козелець на трасі Київ-Чернігів відоме з XVII ст. як фортеця Козлоград в складі Речі Посполитої. З 1649 року - сотенне містечко Київського полку, деякий час тут розміщувалася полкова адміністрація. Визначною пам'яткою архітектури є собор Різдва Богородиці (1752-63 рр.) в стилі бароко з прекрасним дерев'яним іконостасом. Вважається, що з дзвіниці одночасно можна побачити Київ і Чернігів. Також можна оглянути Вознесенську церкву (1866-74 рр.) та Миколаївську церкву (1781-84 рр.), будинок полкової канцелярії (1756-60 рр.) в парку за собором. На східній околиці міста збереглася садиба козацько-старшинського роду Дараганів "Покорщина" (XVIII ст.) з палацом, парком і кам'яницею. Далі за містом - Георгіївський монастир з собором (1741-70 рр.).

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