The city Kozelets on the Kiev-Chernigov highway has been known since the 17th century. as a fortress Kozlograd in the Commonwealth. From 1649 - the centenary of the Kiev regiment, for some time the regimental administration was located here. An outstanding architectural monument is the Baroque Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (1752-63) with a beautiful wooden iconostasis. It is believed that from the bell tower you can see Kiev and Chernigov at the same time. You can also see the Ascension Church (1866-74) and the Nicholas Church (1781-84), the building of the regimental office (1756-60) in the park behind the cathedral. On the eastern outskirts of the city, the estate of the Cossack-elders' family of the Daragans "Pokorshchina" (18th century) with a palace, a park ...
The city Kozelets on the Kiev-Chernigov highway has been known since the 17th century. as a fortress Kozlograd in the Commonwealth. From 1649 - the centenary of the Kiev regiment, for some time the regimental administration was located here. An outstanding architectural monument is the Baroque Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin (1752-63) with a beautiful wooden iconostasis. It is believed that from the bell tower you can see Kiev and Chernigov at the same time. You can also see the Ascension Church (1866-74) and the Nicholas Church (1781-84), the building of the regimental office (1756-60) in the park behind the cathedral. On the eastern outskirts of the city, the estate of the Cossack-elders' family of the Daragans "Pokorshchina" (18th century) with a palace, a park and a kamenitsa has been preserved. Further outside the city is the St. George Monastery with a cathedral (1741-70).
Місто Козелець на трасі Київ-Чернігів відоме з XVII ст. як фортеця Козлоград в складі Речі Посполитої. З 1649 року - сотенне містечко Київського полку, деякий час тут розміщувалася полкова адміністрація. Визначною пам'яткою архітектури є собор Різдва Богородиці (1752-63 рр.) в стилі бароко з прекрасним дерев'яним іконостасом. Вважається, що з дзвіниці одночасно можна побачити Київ і Чернігів. Також можна оглянути Вознесенську церкву (1866-74 рр.) та Миколаївську церкву (1781-84 рр.), будинок полкової канцелярії (1756-60 рр.) в парку за собором. На східній околиці міста збереглася садиба козацько-старшинського роду Дараганів "Покорщина" (XVIII ст.) з палацом, парком і кам'яницею. Далі за містом - Георгіївський монастир з собором (1741-70 рр.).
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